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A/n: if you are ever in crisis call or text 1-800-273-8255. They are here to help and talk you through the worst of times at any time. Don't be afraid to reach out for help

Matthias sat on a small patch of grass staring at three grave stones. He held he knees close to his chest staring at one in particular.

Elizabeth Køhler

He felt sick seeing no captions underneath her name. No Beloved Daughter, no Loving Sister, nothing. She was given nothing for people to remember her for. Their parents basically forgot about her and turned her bedroom into an office space for their father. "Eliza...they want me to agree to pull the plug on Emil. I can't. I let our parents do it to you, but I'm not going to make this mistake again. I think he can survive. I think you could've survived" he spoke into the air. Tears streamed down his face "even Lukas has given up on him. I won't though...I'll do it for you".

Lukas hummed brushing away Emil's hair from his eyes. He was all alone in the room, watching his little brothers face. His cheeks, and eyes were secretly sunken in. He jumped hearing footsteps run towards their room. He look behind him and saw two girls rush towards Emil. The blonde with star clips in her hair rush towards him "oh my god". Then the girl, he knew as Madeline hugged Emil. He stepped back and watched them hug him. If only Emil could see the hurt he's caused everyone through his attempt. He walked into the hallway and saw Francine and Arthur. Francine hugged him tightly "oh Lukas. I know this must be terrible for you. I know the pain first handed...". He looked at her with so much pain in his eyes "today's his last day on life support". Saying those words stabbed his soul, the reality all came crashing down onto him. His brother would die tonight. Francine froze "Lukas you can't mean that. He's still just a child. Children aren't suppose to die!". He looked down in shame "he can't survive Francine...he won't pull through". She started to cry "why do children think this is the only way out". Lukas shook his head "I wish I knew Francine". He looked over at the two girls hugging Emil "there going to pull the plug tonight at 6". Francine covered her face as she cried "god. I hope the afterlife he's going towards greets him with warm arms". Lukas nodded and went quiet as he stared into the room where his brother would pass.

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