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Emil slowly walked, he didn't know where to but he just kept walking. The town was unfamiliar and there was nobody around. He was wearing white pants and a white button up shirt with black shoes. He blinked and looked at his arm. His left arm had black lines over it. They weren't wounds or anything but just lines. He didn't know were he got them or why he had got them. He kept on walking until his stomach growled loudly. Emil looked around until he came upon a building that seemed to be a bakery. It looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember why. He walked in and saw nobody around but the glass case was filled with treats. It felt off though, he felt as there should have been an old desk where the case was with a somber looking woman behind it. He looked around the bakery and saw photo graphs hung all around. They all had six people in them but only two boys with large curls in their hair and a familiar older man faces weren't scribbled out. It looked like they were all related, Emil wished he knew who they were but he just couldn't think. Just as he was examining more of the photos he felt a sharp shock to his chest and he took a deep breath. He didn't realize he wasn't breathing until his lungs filled with air. He started to feel extremely dizzy and he stumbled but didn't fall. He felt another more powerful shock to his chest and his throat became full as it felt like something was in it, but he couldn't see what. Though once the feeing of the object in his throat started to settle in, he felt the feeling of breathing to through him. Though he couldn't control his lungs. He then started to feel sharp pricks in his wrist and the black open lines soon became thin and almost closed. He was scarred out of his mind, he didn't know what was happening and he was to scarred to even move. He started to cry, he didn't know what was happening. He just wanted the pain to stop.

Lukas screamed as Emil body was rolled away from him. A paramedic held him back as he sobbed. The doctors rushed him in to emergency surgery. The paramedic led him to the waiting room and tried to calm him down. Though the words became deaf to his ears. "I want my brother back. Please save him!". The medic  helped him sit down "sir. We are doing everything we can to save him". Lukas shook his head "you couldn't save my parents! And you won't save him". Then two taller blond men ran in and rushed to Lukas side. "Tino called and told us you found Emil half dead! Tell me it's not true! Tell me it's not fucking true" Matthias said as he grabbed onto Lukas. Lukas pushed his head into Matthias's chest and sobbed "he slit his wrists! He wasn't even breathing when we found him". Mathias sucked in a breath as he held onto his lover "oh my god...". Berwald quickly rushed out back to his car, he didn't want to cry in front of those who he was supposed to be strong for. Though he was also was supposed to be a financial support and not spend it on unnecessary things...or people. He needed a support right now and Tino was so distraught he called Eduard to pick him up. He said something about needed a close friend, and that Berwald wouldn't understand.
     Berwald took a deep breath and felt his heart race in anxiety. He has been harsher on Emil since him finding out about his 'hobby'. What if his attitude towards him was Emil's final breaking point. He struggled out a next breath wishing he could change himself. Tears slowly dropped down his face as he tried to hold his breath. Why did the world have to be so cruel.

Alfred quickly breathed in as he smoked and walked with his boyfriend. "Emil didn't come in today and Mr.Vargas was pissed". Ludwig grabbed his hand "he didn't hurt you or Matthew did he?". He shook his head "no, he was just drinking away in his office. I tried to call him but he won't answer. We should stop by and check on him". Ludwig shrugged "he's not really the biggest fan of me. Maybe you can call his brother. Do you have his number?". Alfred thought for a second then nodded "yeah, Emil had to call him from my phone once. I'll call him once we are back at your house".

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