Save me

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A/n: sorry for lack of updates, I just got back from my trip to Luxembourg. 

Chun-Yan: Fem China
Katya (shorted version of Katyusha):Ukraine

Emil yawned and laid in his bed on the brothel with a cigarette between his lips. "You know that's bad for you" the Russian man said. "So is drowning your problems in alcohol and prostitutes but I ain't telling you how to live". Ivan nodded "I guess you're right" he said as he put on the rest of his heavy clothing. "You know Emil, my offer still stands you can come and live at my house and be my personal prostitute" Emil rolled his eyes as he looked lazily upon Ivan. "I've got a business going here and I need to up keep it, Ivan you're a sweet guy but I can't leave here. Not when-" Emil cut himself off. He never got personal with costumers and he never will but maybe this time can be an exception. All he is, is an object to Ivan so maybe he will barley retain what Emil says to him. "Not when what? What were you going to say sunflower?" Ivan questioned and looked upon him. Emil shrugged "not when I have to provide for my family". Ivan looked over him with curiosity "my sister use to have to work grilling jobs just to provide for me and my sister when we both still lived with her. I don't know where she works now though...we haven't talked much as of lately" Emil raised an eyebrow "your eldest sister Katya?". Ivan nodded and Emil gave a stale laugh "hopefully I can keep my secrets of working here as long as she has then". Ivan looked very confused "what do you mean?". Emil took the cigarette out and set it on the ash tray as he sat up and looked directly at Ivan. "Ivan, your sister is a prostitute. She's been here longer than me so that's probably how she provided for you and Natalia and that's how I'm going to provide for my family". Ivan shook his head "no no no no, you must be mistaken. My sister could not stoop so low". Emil shrugged "you sister has short hair and big tits right?" Ivan put his face in his hands "oh god if I would've know I would have taken her out of here as soon as my business started to grow". Emil looked on "Well it's too late now. She's Mr.Vargas's forever. There's no leaving this place" he grabbed a new cigarette and lite it "besides, she's Mr.Vargas's best selling girl. He would never give her up". Ivan looked disgusted "how can you just talk about that man as though he's running a regular business? How can you talk about yourself and my sister as objects?". Emil glared "well let me tell you something Ivan, we all don't have the options you were given in life. Sometimes you just have to give up everything until you have nothing. And nobody wants someone with nothing so you come to a place like this and you loose everything that was ever normal about you. You loose everything until you are just an empty husk of who you once were, someone who is not even a person anymore!" Emil wipes the tears streaming down his face. "I can tell you for fucking sure Ivan, not me nor your sister wanted to ever be here. Our own family's don't even notice what we are doing for them. Nobody...not even your own family will save you". Ivan grabbed Emil by the neck and made him look at him. Emil felt a little scared, Ivan was so much taller and stronger than him and could easily hurt him. Ivan looked mad but also...hurt? Emil couldn't read his face as Ivan looked straight into his eyes. "What room is my sister?" He asked with such a demanding voice in which Emil has never hurt from him. "Ivan...She can't leave...I've already tried...she's already tried. All of us have already tried to escape. Mr. Vargas will always find you though. Always". Ivan let go of his neck and pushed Emil on the bed and held him down while crawling on top of the naked boy. "You've tried to escape? My sister has? He didn't hurt you or her did he?" Emil looked away "Ivan there's things that go on here that you can't control-" Ivan raised his voice "tell me what he did!" He was like a child begging for something and not getting what he wanted. "Mr.Vargas will rape us, torture us and starve us himself! Okay! Are you fucking happy?" Ivan froze. Then a slow and maniacal laugh emerged from him. "Here I thought a man who sold people couldn't stoop lower" Emil tried to get out from underneath Ivan as he talked but he was held down "Ivan you support his business-" Emil tried reasoning with him. "Shut up!" He shouted at Emil, the Icelandic boy shook in fear. Ivan put a hand on his throat once again and this time Emil could read his emotion, pure anger. "You knew my sister was here and didn't tell me? After all the money I've spent on you! After how gentle I was with you! Even though you're just some common whore" after every word his grip tightened causing Emil to choke and cough. Black dots greeted his vision but Emil still tried to escape and gasped out "I-Ivan...p-plea...i...breat-" every word he would try and speak could not be completed. Then the grip loosened and Emil could breathe once more. Ivan just stared at Emil "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I just was so angry" Emil still was shaking, from both lack of oxygen and fear. " 78B" he said once he regained all his breath. Ivan forced him to sit up by the shoulders "what did you just say" he asked Emil. "She's right across the hall in room 78B...she's not with anybody since we have similar schedules and your staying longer then usual" Ivan got up and walked towards the door but turned back "I'll be back for you soon". That made Emil shiver with fear, he didn't know what Ivan meant by that. Mr Vargas came in a few minutes after Ivan had left his room. "Jesus Christ what did he do to your neck?" He said, very pissed as he saw the Russian man leave quickly and pay the minimum amount. "He chocked me out...I think he was going to kill me" Emil said, he was truly scared being on the verge of death that wasn't on his own accord. "Fucking insane bastard" Mr.Vargas said. Emil covered up with the sheet as he looked away from his boss. "Mr.Vargas can a prostitute from you? Like permanently" the taller man looked directly at him "no. Why? Did that damn Russian say something about making you his personal whore?" Emil nodded and responded in just above a whisper "don't let him...please". Mr.Vargas nodded "of course I wouldn't, the only person I've ever sold away was Francine Bonnefoy, and that was a mistake. She was my best girl...that'd be like me selling away Katya". Emil's eyes widened. What was Ivan going to do if Mr.Vargas wouldn't give his sister up. "Will I ever be able to leave sir?" He asked, even though Emil knew the answer. "No. We made a deal the day you walked in here. You are mine to sell till I can no longer have use of you". Emil sighed "yes sir...". A knocked at the door interrupted their conversation as the front door lady opened this door in a hurry. "Sir..." she took deep breathes "I went to check on Chun-Yan...her throat was slit...she's dead sir". Silence engulfed the room till a quiet sob emitted from Emil. Chun-Yan was a petite Chinese woman, she always told stories of her childhood in China or Chinese anecdotes to Emil in the break room. She had gotten a letter from her parents asking her to come home a few months ago. She had finally saved up enough money, her flight was next Tuesday. She'd finally be free from Mr.Vargas and be able to go home. "God the police" Mr.Vargas said after awhile. She quickly left, "don't get too upset kid. This kind of shit happens all the time...". His boss was almost upset. Almost. The Chinese girl was a hard worker and he knew she would someday grow into more than just a prostitute. Too bad that would never happen. "Get dressed, I'm cancelling everyone's appointments till the cops leave". With that he left and Emil did as told. He slowly walked out of his room and walked down the dark hallway. The smell of iron hit him as he neared an open door. That's her room. He continued walking and stopped at the open door and looked into the room that was almost identical to his own. There she laid. Emil froze and felt a rock in his throat. Her pale face looked so scared as it looked directly at Emil. Blood still seeped from her throat and covered the sheets and floor. Her body was pale and bruised. He looked upon her naked form in disgust as he knew she shouldn't have died like this. She was completely lifeless and yet her eyes stared at the door as if her soul was wanting to run towards it and escape. Her black hair stuck to her sweat covered face and it still held the pink flower she loved to wear. She said it connected her to her family. Emil stared closer and saw the remnants of tears down her cheeks. She died in so much pain. Emil feel to his knees and started gagging. His stomach was so empty he could not puke from disgust. Tears fell down his face, he knew he couldn't have down anything to save her, but his heart ached in regret. Emil sat there just staring into the room. Not directly at her, but just the room itself. It was cold and unforgiving. A place nobody would want to die. Emil needed to leave this place, his heart was already hurting to much from fear and sadness. He slowly sat back up and made his way towards the stairs and walked down. He felt so drained like his soul had been stabbed. As he made his way out of the brothel police cars started to park in front. Not one of the cops walked in a hurry. No police officers even stopped to question Emil. No one cares about the death of a prostitute. So Emil just kept walking and felt a certain five letter sentence  circle through his head.

This will happen to you.

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