Break Up

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As soon as we arrived, Jennie got death glares from Luna. I just stepped in front of her to prevent her being killed by Luna's glares. 

"Who is she? Why is she with you?!" Luna shouted at me, but before I could answer took Jennie the chance. 

"What, isn't he allowed to make friends?" 

"Not with someone like you!" Luna looked furious. 

"Listen, I have no idea what I did to you, but it isn't your choice with whom Jake befriends!" Jennie fired back. 

Luna was about to shout at her again, but I took her hand before she could say anything. 

"Luna, chill down. Let's go somewhere. Alone. I wanna talk to you." Luna mood lifted and she sticked out her tongue at Jennie. She just rolled her eyes and patted my shoulder. 

"See you later, Jake." I nodded and dragged Luna away. 

Luna began babbling that she missed me and asked where I've been. I stopped behind the gym and turned around to face her. My expression was death serious and even Luna noticed it. 

"What's wrong, Jake?" She asked and I took a deep breath. 

"Look Luna, I'll get straight to the point. I want to break up." 

She just stared at me and chuckled with a forced smile. 

"You... You are kidding, right?" But I still looked serious. 

"No Luna. I'm serious. I break up with you." 

Her eyes began to water and her forced smile faded completely. 

"But... But why? I... I don't u-understand... I-Is it because of h-her?" She almost shouted her last words under tears. I just shook my head. 

"This has nothing to do with Jennie. Didn't you see that it stopped working out with us a few weeks ago? Every time we do something together, we end up fighting. It hurts us both. I just don't want that anymore." Luna cried harder than before. 

"I just don't want to hurt you anymore, Luna..." I tried to explain, but she shouted at me. 

"Well, but you're doing it right now! You hurt me, Jake!" 

I looked down, don't knowing what to say when I felt a great pain on my cheek. The skin turned red where Luna just slapped me and I saw her running away, still crying. Right after that I felt my phone buzzing. 

"Afternoon classes are starting soon. I'll go there now. I hope your break up went not as tragic as I think. See you after school?" 

I smiled bitterly at Jennie's message, the pain in my cheek still burning. 

"Sounds good. Can you come to my room later? I could use some ice cream... And my best friend." 

"I'll be there."

– Time skip after school –

I sat in my room staring at the wall as I heard someone knocking softly at the door. I got up and smiled a bit when I saw Jennie behind the door. She had ice cream and two spoons in her hand. 

"Hey there. I didn't know your favorite flavor, so I kinda just brought mine. It's milk ice cream." She said smiling and walked into my room. 

"That's perfect, I love milk ice cream." I said and followed her. 

She turned to me in a dramatic way and her jaw dropped down. 

"Like seriously? Damn Jake, can you be any more perfect?" 

I laughed at the way she acted and received a soft smile from her. Even though we only met yesterday she already knew how to cheer me up. We sat down at the couch and started talking while eating the ice cream together. 

At some point I just laid my head on her lap and told her a childhood story from me and Amber while she stroked my hair slightly. I really liked her gummy smile and the way she laughed, it really cheered me up after the break up with my long-term now ex-girlfriend. 

We talked for a long time when suddenly my door burst open. I immediately sat up straight and saw my sister. My pretty angry sister. 

"What the actual fuck, Jake? Why did you just break up with Luna? I thought you were happy together!" She shouted at me. 

Why is everyone shouting at me today? 

I stood up and walked towards her, even though I didn't really want to because she looked like she wanted to kill me right now. 

"I wasn't happy anymore. We just were cool around each other when you were around. When we were doing something alone, we always ended up fighting. I couldn't do that anymore, Amber!" 

She shot death glares at me. Shit. 

"You little piece of shit. She didn't deserve being dumped like that." 

Jennie wanted to get up and say something, but I signalized her to stop. 

"Maybe. But it's better for both of us." 

"Fuck that! You just want to be with your new girl right there!" Amber shouted pointing at Jennie. And that got my really angry. 

"Hey! Jennie has absolutely nothing to do with this! Leave her alone! If you wanna be mad for no god damn reason, then be mad at me!" 

Amber's eyes got smaller. 

"Believe me, lil bro. I fucking am mad!" She hissed at me and left my room, slamming the door behind her. 

I turned to Jennie who seemed speechless. 

"I thought you were the kind of siblings that didn't really fight..." She said with wide eyes. 

"You just witnesses our first fight ever..." I said with a small voice and sat back down, cuddling up to her. She stroked my hair to calm me down. 

"I think, I made a mistake... Everyone hates me..." 

"Nonsense. I don't hate you. And Luna will forget it soon. And Amber will calm down too, I promise." 

I weakly nodded and closed my eyes. I needed some rest. That was too much emotional drama for one day.

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