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"WHERE WERE YOU last night? You said you'd be back by midnight but you weren't! I had to cover for you." Ruby exclaims as he bursts into my room. I groan in annoyance and cover my head with my pillow, attempting to block him out. I hear his soft footsteps moving towards my bed. "Camilla don't tell me you were with Oscar!" Ruby whisper shouts.

"Why does it matter?" I whine. Ruby yanks the pillow off my head, making me groan loudly. "Ruby stop!"

"He's not a good guy Cami." Ruby sighs as I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. "I don't understand why you don't understand that. You're just going to end up being one of his hynas."

"That's offensive." I scoff with a roll of my eyes. "And I'm not his hyna. We're just taking things slow."

"Spooky taking things slow?" Ruby gasps dramatically. "Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?"

"Get out Ruby!" I groan, rubbing my hands down my face. I hold my head in my hands, my eyes closed shut.

Ruby says, "Cálmese Cami," before his footsteps back away from my bed and out of my room. He shuts the door on his way out and that's when I look up from my hands. With a sigh I fall back onto my bed, gazing up at the ceiling. The memories from last night come rushing to my head and a smile finds it's way onto my face.

Around three in the morning, I was absolutely exhausted, and could barely keep my eyes open. So Oscar took advantage of that and asked me what I thought about him. I told him that I think he's a great guy, but I want to take things slow. He respected my decision and I faintly remember him carrying me back to his car. I just can't believe how different he is than my ex. Everyone thinks they're the same but they're honestly so different.

A knock echoes through my silent room making me sit up immediately. The door opens slightly and my mom sticks her head through the crack. "Mija come eat breakfast. Oh and Monse's here to talk to you."

I furrow my eyebrows, tossing my duvet to the side. "Monse?" I ask, hopping off my bed. My mom nods her head as I pull my hair up into a messy ponytail. I brush off my clothes, trying to make them seem less wrinkled and rush out of my room to find her. I spot her sitting on the couch, staring at the tv and playing with her hands. "Monse is everything okay?" She turns around and forces a smile onto her face.

"Will you come with me to Cesar's house?" She asks with a hopeful look on her face. And Oscar's house, I wanted to say but I keep my mouth shut. "Ruby and Jamal don't want me going there."

I nod my head as I fold my arms over my chest. "Yeah of course! Just let me change real quick."

"Yeah yeah, go put on your best outfit for Oscar." Monse teases, earning herself a glare from me.

"ARE YOU SURE this is a good idea?" I ask Monse as we stand at the bottom of the driveway of the Santos house. I spot Oscar sitting on a step behind Cesar looking down at his phone, a cigarette hanging from his plump lips.

"Positive," Monse says instantaneously, nodding her head. "I have to know what he said."

"Do you want me to ask him?" I offer, chewing nervously on my bottom lip. Whatever Cesar said has to be horrible because Ruby wouldn't tell me, of all people. Monse looks over at me and then at Cesar. I can see the gears shifting in her head as she mulls over my offer. She slowly nods her head, sighing heavily. "He might tell you the truth." She mumbles, folding her arms over her chest.

I give her a sympathetic smile and nod my head. "I'll be back, okay?" She nods her head and walks off to the side, so Cesar won't see her. Inhaling a deep breath I walk up the driveway, prompting everyone to look towards me.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Where stories live. Discover now