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hello hello, I just very quickly added in Mario's character/storyline into this book so if you guys want to go back and reread it (it's up to you, you don't really have to if you don't want to). and since I have done that, I will now be able to post the sequel. I have the first chapter written and I'll post it next week.

I'm busy all weekend bc it's my birthday tomorrow (I share a birthday with Paul Rudd how fucking cool is that) so I probably most likely won't have the time but I'll see if I can post the first chapter.

and once again I want to thank you guys for reading, voting and commenting on my story. it really means a shit ton to me.

okay now it's time to talk about something— no someone that everyone most likely hates. as you can tell by the title of this chapter, I'm talking about Elijah motherfucking Jones.

so I've seen a lot of comments about people being angry about the way Camilla acts towards him. there is a reason she acts that way and that reason will be developed throughout the sequel. but there are some things that I can tell you about their "relationship" without giving away too much about the sequel.

for starters, if you don't already know, Elijah is a manipulative son of a bitch. he knows that Camilla felt something towards him at some point and he's using her feelings to get whatever he wants. he knows she's going to forgive him no matter what because somewhere deep down she still cares a lot about him.

the two of them met when she was 14 (so grade 9). he's Oscars age so he's a couple years older than her. and when they met, he was the sweetest guy she had ever met. so, even tho he abused her she's still hoping that somewhere deep down that amazing sweet guy that she met, is still there. she's holding onto false hopes. and whenever she's around him she gets caught up in the moment and it's almost as if she's transported back in time to when they were dating, so she forgets about how he treated her and how he still treats her and focuses only on the good. why, you ask? because that's how manipulation works.

and even though she said she doesn't love him and she never did, that's a hUGE ASS FUCKING LIE. ELIJAH FUCKING JONES WAS HER FIRST LOVE OKAY. YOU CANT JUST FORGET YOUR FIRST LOVE.

there's also the fact that their breakup is still very new and fresh. it happened literally weeks before she met Oscar. therefore, she's still not over him and that's why she keeps going back to him.

Elijah is a really complex character and I can't wait to get more into his character in the sequel. there's still so much that you guys don't know about him.


love is blind. when you're in love, you can't see the other persons flaws even though everyone else can. and until that blindfold is lifted, you won't actually know what type of person they are. you'll just keep saying "oh they wouldn't do that to me" or "oh they didn't mean that, they love me". and that perfectly describes how Camilla feels about Elijah.

but I hope this cleared up all the confusion you guys have towards him. if you still have some questions, feel free to message me and I'll try to answer them as best as I can without ruining the sequel.


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