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I INHALE DEEP breaths as I walk up the Diaz driveway with my hands shoved in the back pockets of my black shorts. I just have to stay calm and resist the urge to punch him in the face, and everything will go smoothly.

The front door opens before I even lift my knuckles to knock, revealing my shirtless boyfriend. He smirks at me, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the doorway. I fleet my eyes away from his toned body and clear my throat. How am I supposed to be mad at him when he looks like that?

"Morning amor," Oscar smirks as I bite the inside of my cheek to contain a snarky comment. "I was wondering when I'd see you."

"We have to talk." The colour drains from his face as the words pass my lips. I wince inwardly, I should've said that in a less blunt way.

"Everything good?" He asks, standing up straight and moving to the side so I can go inside. I nod my head, stepping through the door and spinning on my heel to face him. He closes the front door before leading the way to his room.

"It's not about us," I say as we walk through the door and into his room. "It's more of a, me to Spooky conversation." He laughs as he sits down on the edge of his bed. I awkwardly stand in front of him, pushing my hair out of my face.

Oscar nods beside him. "Sit." I drop my bag on the ground next to the bed and sit down beside him, fixing my red tank top. He grabs my hand and rubs circles on my knuckles with his thumb, sending warmth through my body. "What you gotta say to 'Spooky'?"

I inhale a sharp breath, swivelling my eyes around the room. "For starters, is Spooky always this close to people that need to talk to him?"

He chuckles, running his other hand through my hair. He presses a kiss to the side of my head before saying, "Only for you. What's this actually bout?"

"Cesar," I say hesitantly, not looking over to see his reaction. I drop my gaze to the floor instead, as I try to calm the storm in my stomach. "Why'd you jump him into the gang?" I feel his body tense up as he exhales a deep breath.

"It's in our blood. Santos are who we are." Oscar says shortly, pulling his body away from mine. I'm immediately engulfed by the cold air as I turn my head to look at him. His eyes are fixed on the floor and his lips are set in a deep frown. I should probably stop talking while I still have the chance.

"Yeah I know," I start slowly, fiddling with my thumbs. With a soft exhale of breath I say, "but he's only fourteen." I emphasize his age, trying to get Oscar to understand what I'm trying to say.

He scoffs as he lifts his head to look over at me. "So? I was younger than him when I got jumped in. He couldn't have avoided this life forever."

"Oscar I know but-"

He doesn't let me finish my sentence. "I don't really see your point, Camilla." He says, his voice sounding much angrier than it did before. "If you're trying to get him out of the gang, then you should know that won't ever happen."

I get up and stand in front of him, folding my arms over my chest. He watches my every move carefully, his jaw set angrily. "Why not?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even. He's just being difficult.

He rolls his eyes, resting his hands behind him on the bed. He leans back and gives me an annoyed look. "Are you not listening? He has no choice! This isn't up to him."

"Everyone has a choice, Oscar," I say as I frustratedly run my hand through my hair. Why is he so goddamn stubborn.

Oscar stands up, towering over me. He looks down at me in an intimidating way, but I don't show any emotion but frustration on my face. "Not in this situation. Now drop it."

"I'm not going to drop it," I say quietly. "Cesar shouldn't be in the gang. He's too young."

"Age doesn't matter." He says exasperatedly, his annoyance clear on his face. "If this is it, then you should go, you're gonna be late."

"But Oscar-"

"Why don't you understand?! It isn't gonna happen!" Oscar yells making me flinch. He immediately reminds me of he-who-must-not-be-named and I cautiously step backwards, not wanting to anger him even more. Oscar sighs when he notices how I moved away from him and frowns. "Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

"No, it's okay," I say sharply, fleeting my eyes around his room. "I-I'm going to go." He reaches towards me but I flinch away and shake my head. "Bye."

"Cami." Oscar sighs as I hastily grab my bag off the floor and rush towards the door. But he grabs my wrist before I can run out of the room. "I'm going to assume your ex yelled at you a lot." He mumbles pulling me into his chest, but my bag acts as a barrier between us. He pulls my bag off my shoulder and drops it on the ground, pulling me closer so my back is fully against his bare chest. He runs his fingers up and down my bare arm, sending jolts of electricity through my body.

"Wasn't the only thing he did," I say softly, as he pulls my hair away from my neck and bends down to kiss it. My heart pounds against my chest when his warm lips come in contact with my skin.

"What else did he do?" Oscar mumbles between kisses. Flashbacks from when he'd take his anger out on me run through my head. I suck in a sharp breath and lightly shake my head. Oscar stops what he's doing. "What did he do?"

"Nothing. He did nothing." I say hastily, stepping away from him. He forces me to turn around; his face is full of confusion.

"You're lying."

I slip out of his grasp and grab my bag off the ground. I can't talk about what he did. There is no way I'm telling anyone. "Oscar I really have to go."

"I'll drop you off." He offers. I shake my head earning myself a sigh from him. "Fine, go ahead and walk."

I bite down on my bottom lip, wanting to say something else. I stand there for a few moments watching as he walks towards his closet with his back towards me, before sighing and walking out of his room.

A/N : look at me actually updating on schedule. oh and I changed the cover hope y'all like it

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