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"WHAT'S UP WITH you and the Santo?" Samuel asks as we sit around my room, attempting to do our homework.

"We haven't talked in like almost two weeks." I shrug nonchalantly as I write down the answer to the math question.

He gasps loudly causing me to look up with a raised eyebrow. "Why the fuck not?!" Sam exclaims dramatically, as he throws his pen at me.

I swiftly dodge it and roll my dark brown eyes. "Because we haven't, okay? And it's not because he's ignoring me. I'm the one doing the ignoring, as usual."

"Camilla I don't understand why though." Sam rubs his hands down his face. "I thought you liked him?"

"Do we have to talk about him?" I sigh exasperatedly, putting my pen down on the ground. Sam raises his hands in surrender, as I grab the pen he threw at me and toss it back at him.

"Talk about who?" My mom asks as she walks into my room with a raised eyebrow.

I say, "Cesar" and at the same time Sam says "Ruby." I glare at him as my mom glances between the two of us.

"Okay then." She sighs, waving it away. "Camilla my friend's daughter is going to be staying with us for a while. You don't mind sharing your room, do you?" She asks, her eyes full of hope.

"Not at all." I smile brightly, hopping onto my feet. I grab Sam's elbow and force him to stand up as well. "Is she here already?"

"Yes, she's in the washroom." My mom says. "Oh and Oscar's outside too. He helped bring her stuff in from the car, he's so nice but everyone makes him look bad. Go talk to him!"

I dramatically roll my eyes as Sam hits my arm several times. "I heard her!" I scowl at him, making him smile sheepishly. "And no. I'm not talking to him."

"Why not?" My mom and Sam ask in unison.

"Who's not talking to who?" Ruby asks as he strolls into my room. "Oh, Cami and Oscar?" He asks, making himself comfortable on my bed. Sam and my mom nod their heads as I sigh loudly.

"Ruby get out!" I glare at him. He shakes his head, pulling out his phone and typing rapidly. "Who are you texting?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Monse." He replies calmly, glancing at me over his screen. "Relax, why are you upset?"

"I know what you guys are trying to do." I scoff, folding my arms across my chest. "You're trying to overwhelm me so I'll go outside and talk to Satan's spawn!"

"Satan's spawn? I haven't heard that one before." Oscar chuckles as he walks into my room, making my heart drop to my stomach.

I knew it. That piece of shit wasn't texting Monse, he was texting Oscar! "Ruby!" I whine as my lips turn down into a frown. I'm not ready to talk to Oscar yet, but none of them will understand that! Mario wouldn't treat me like this.

"Chill out and talk to your boyfriend." He hops off my bed. "Let's give the two some privacy," Ruby says, pushing my mom and Sam out of my room.

"Use protection!" Sam shouts before Ruby can close the door. I feel my face heating up as I nervously glance at Oscar, who's laughing as if this is the funniest thing in the world.

"Shut up." I mumble, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "It's really not that funny."

Oscar shrugs, walking over to me. He crouches down in front of me, taking my previously injured hand. The cut is healed and all that's left is an ugly scar going across my palm. "Looks better than before." He says, nodding at my hand.

"Yup." I force a smile onto my face as I nod my head, slowly pulling my hand out of his grasp. He looks up at me with a curious look.

"What's up with you?" He asks. "Why are you ignoring me?"

I fake a look of surprise. "Me? Ignoring you? Whaaat?" I drag out the 'a' in what, making him smile lightly. Ugh, that smile makes me feel some sort of way.

"You haven't talked to me in two weeks. You're not texting me back or answering my calls. And whenever I show up, you aren't here. You're not even texting Cesar back. What's this about?" Oscar explains, his lips tugging into a deep frown with each word. I shrug, fleeting my eyes around the room which makes him sigh. "Camilla I suck at feelings and shit. But somehow, I'm doing better than you. Is this because me and Mario are friends because I talked to him and he's okay with it."

"No, Oscar I've just been through a lot okay?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air. Wait he talked to Mario?

"Then explain Camilla! Tell me what you've gone through." Oscar exclaims as well, abruptly standing up. I bite the inside of my cheek, glaring at him. "So that's it? We're done before we even officially started?"

"I think you should leave," I say, standing up to try to match his height but I'm a few inches shorter than him.

Oscar glares at me, his jaw clenched tightly. The look on his face sends chills down my spine and reminds me who is he. "Don't come crawling back to me later." Oscar spits, swiftly turning around and walking towards my door.

"I won't," I say loudly so he'll hear me as he walks out. But he doesn't even glance over his shoulder.

I sit down on my bed again, frowning at the floor as Sam and Ruby hesitantly walk back into my room. "That didn't sound so good," Ruby says after a few moments of silence.

I nod my head, thinking over what I said. I'm only pushing him away because I think he's going to be like he-who-must-not-be-named. But Oscar's proved that he's nothing like him, again and again. I should give him a chance. He makes me happy, and I'm guessing I make him happy too. I rub my hands down my face, sighing loudly. What am I doing? He could be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Why am I ruining that?

"Is he still outside?" I ask, interrupting Ruby and Sam's quiet conversation. They look over at me and shrug before going back to their conversation, prompting me to roll my eyes. "Fine, I'll go check."

I hastily stand up and rush out of my room, immediately bumping into an unknown girl with brown hair. I frown at her, looking her up and down. "Moms friends daughter?" I spit out hastily. She nods her head opening her mouth to say something, but I don't wait for her to talk. I run out the front door, looking around for his red Impala. My heart beats wildly against my chest when I spot him backing out of the driveway, his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes full of anger. "Oscar!" I shout, grabbing his attention.

He drives the car back up the driveway and steps out, slamming the door shut. "What do you want Camilla?"

I take long strides to get to him and grab a fistful of his t-shirt and kiss him. His arms immediately go around my waist, pulling me as close as he possibly can. Our bodies fit against each other like puzzle pieces, as our hands wander each other's bodies. We stay there in the middle of my driveway, kissing each other passionately and forgetting that air is something we need badly.

"I'm sorry," I mumble against his lips. "I was just being a bitch. I'm so scared of my past repeating itself that I didn't even give you the chance to show me that you're different."

Oscar pulls away from me, staring into my dark brown eyes. He tucks a lock of my wavy hair behind my ear, his lustful eyes staring me down. "Be my girlfriend." He says quietly after a few moments of silence.

My lips tug upwards into a smile and I nod my head. "Of fucking course, I will fool."

A/N : 2 updates in a rowwwwww

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