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"IF OSCAR SAW all these pendejo's hitting on you, he'd fuck them up." Cesar chuckles, as I cringe away from another a guy that was getting too close for my liking.

"Damn me for encouraging you guys to come here." I sigh, sitting down on the couch next to Olivia. Cesar sits down beside me holding a red solo cup in his hands. "What was I really expecting? In their eyes, I'm a fine ass hyna from Freedridge that's showing off some skin."

"You are a fine ass hyna." Cesar agrees as he slowly sips from his cup, earning himself a slap on the back of his head from me.

"Watch your mouth compa." Ruby says in a warning tone as he walks towards us, carrying two plates full of food. "That's my sister and your brother's girlfriend. Spooky won't hesitate to blast your ass."

"I'm just saying." Cesar holds his hands up in surrender, playfully bumping his shoulder against mine. "Cami knows I'm joking." His eyes watch me carefully as I scoff and smile, looking for any indication of offence.

"Shut up Cesar." I roll my brown eyes, taking a lemon wedge from the plate that Ruby gave to Olivia. She laughs lightly at my comment before passing me the entire plate. I look at her curiously.

"Excuse me, it's time for my adventure to find the bathroom and wait in a long line." Olivia smiles as she stands up. I pass the plate onto Cesar and stand up as well.

"I'll go with you." I offer. "Cesar's annoying," I say jokingly as I glance over my shoulder and see him conversing quietly with Ruby.

Olivia laughs, "Yeah, come on." We walk side by side through the house, ignoring the lustful eyes of the Brentwood boys.

"How're you finding Freeridge so far?" I ask her as I spot the bathroom across the hall. I grab her wrist so I wouldn't lose her and lead the way.

"I actually really like it." She says, leaning closer to me so she wouldn't have to yell over the music. "I just really miss my parents." She sighs, her pink lips turning down into a frown.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll see them again soon." I assure her with a warm smile as we come to a stop in front of the bathroom.

"Thank you." Olivia smiles, pulling me into a hug. I'm caught off guard for a second but I hug her back. "You guys have been so welcoming. You're sort of like an older sister to me."

I laugh as I step away from her. "You're part of the fam now Olivia. And all of them consider me a sister. That's what I'm here for." She gives me another smile before walking into the bathroom. I lean against the wall beside the bathroom and observe the partying scene before me.

It's definitely different from the Freeridge parties that I'm used to. For starters, there aren't any white kids at those parties. But this one is crawling with them. And the air is actually pretty clean because not many people are smoking weed. I catch a few guys staring me down, and self consciously wrap my arms around my bare waist. They can't be worse than Freedridge guys.

Just as one guy is walking over to me the bathroom door opens, revealing Olivia. "Oh thank god." I mumble, grabbing her arm and practically sprinting to the kitchen. "Brentwood is not my scene." I sigh over my shoulder.

"Well I mean, Cesar's right. You look sexy tonight. No wonder the guys can't keep their eyes off of you." Olivia laughs, sending me a wink as she opens the fridge in search of a drink.

"If it was Freedridge, at least five guys would've tried to make a move on me." I joke, leaning against the counter and looking down at my nails. Ugh, I completely forgot to paint them.

"No, I don't think so." She disagrees, pulling out an orange juice bottle. "They wouldn't make a move on you because none of them are trying to get killed by Oscar."

My lips tug into a smile upon hearing his name, and a blush creeps up my neck and onto my cheeks. "Very true." I laugh, and we link arms and walk back to the couch where we left Cesar and Ruby.

The two boys are talking to some white boy that's dressed like a total cholo. I notice the fake teardrop tattoo under his eye and scoff, which catches his attention. He smirks, looking me up and down but then frowns at Olivia.

"Where'd you get that?" He asks, his face void of any emotions. I furrow my eyebrows confusedly as I glance at Olivia over at my shoulder.

"The fridge..." Olivia trails off as I lean against the couch, folding my arms over my chest.

"That's my moms pressed juice. She's on a cleanse, she knows exactly how many bottles there are." He says hastily, not giving Olivia the chance to speak.

"O-Oh I'm sorry. I had no idea. I just wanted a drink and I just assumed-"

"That you could go in and take it?" He scoffs, interrupting her sentence. I look over at Ruby and Cesar who are sporting the same shocked look like me. "There are drinks everywhere! Why'd you go in the fridge?!"

I hop onto my feet and stand in front of Olivia, and hear Cesar sigh behind me. "Chill out, it's just juice. It ain't a big deal." I spit, keeping my arms folded over my chest. He leans towards me, getting all up in my face. If this boy comes any closer, I'm not going to hesitate to punch him in the face.

"Don't tell me what's not a big deal, okay?" He says lowly, trying to make his voice sound dangerous but failing miserably. "Do people just go in your house and take stuff out of your fridge?" He says to the rest of the group behind me.

"Yeah." We all say in unison, nodding our heads. His expression changes dramatically and he sighs wearily.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?"

I raise an eyebrow, taking a step towards him. "You people?" I say through gritted teeth as I narrow my eyes at him.

Cesar grabs my wrist and tries to pull me back but I yank it out of his grasp. "Just let it go." He tries to convince me.

"Nah this cholo's getting his ass kicked." I scoff over my shoulder, before turning back to face him.

"Excuse me?" The white boy asks, the offence clear in his annoying ass voice.

"Guys chill, I'll pay for the juice." Ruby steps in, grabbing everyone's attention. At this point a group of boys had formed around the white kid, all of them trying their best to look tough. God, I've seen toddlers that look tougher than these pendejos.

"Okay, it's fifty-two dollars for the bottle and another twenty for all the food and drinks you had." He says smugly.

"We don't have that kind of money on us," Olivia says quietly, attempting to pull me back as Cesar had a few seconds ago. I let her drag me back a step or two.

"Of course you don't." He scoffs making his posse laugh. I glare at them, clenching my fists. I attempt to count backwards from ten in my head to cool down, but it wouldn't work.

"What does that mean?" I say, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. I can't let him know that he's getting to me.

He leans closer and instead of cringing away, I stand still, narrowing my eyes at him. "I'm just stating the obvious. Now, why don't you go back to the slums that you came from."

I don't think twice before punching him right in the nose.

A/N : I changed that last line just to make it more.... spicy? idk. but yeah omg I'm so excited to bring in that one character. said character will be mentioned in the next chapter I think, but they'll make an actual appearance in chapter twenty two. y'all aren't ready for this character.

also I changed the cover once againnnn.


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