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"CAMILLA WHAT THE hell is he doing here?!" Cesar yells angrily, gesturing towards Elijah over my shoulder.

"Who's that?" Oscar asks confusedly, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks around the room full of angry people. My heart sinks as I avoid his eyes; he doesn't even know a single piece of the story. He genuinely cares about me and here I am, lying to him and hanging out with my ex.

"Elijah." Cesar spits his name as if it's venom, and Oscar's eyes widen in realization.


"What're you doing with him?" Oscar glares at him, not giving me the chance to speak. The only person that isn't glaring at him is Olivia. She's clueless as to what's going on.

"If Mario finds out that he's here..." Ruby trails off nervously, glancing at Monse and Jamal who were there when Elijah showed up at our house over the summer.

"You know what happened Camilla. Do you want a repeat of that?" Monse asks with narrowed eyes as she folds her arms over her chest.

"Guys!" Elijah shouts, grabbing my wrist and dragging me inside with him. He shuts the door behind us and looks over at me. "Give Cami a chance to speak." Why would he call me that?

"You better not fucking call her that again." Oscar snarls as he stalks over to us. I step between him and Elijah as Cesar grabs his arm to hold him back. Oscar glances between Elijah and I with a raised eyebrow. This hurts so bad but he needs to know everything but I can't talk about any of it again. "What the hell are you doing?" Oscar asks quietly, pulling his arm out of Cesar's grasp.

"I was walking down the street and bumped into Elijah." I glance over my shoulder at him and he gives me a supportive smile. "We sort of talked things out."

"You talked things out?" Cesar scoffs, trying to put distance between Oscar and Elijah so they won't be tempted to lash out at each other. "So what are you guys now? Friends? Lovers?" Oscar grunts angrily when the word 'lovers' leaves Cesar's mouth.

"No!" I cry, glancing around the room. "We're nothing," I say hurriedly, trying to convince everyone in the room. But obviously, no one believes me.

"That's what you said the last three times." Ruby scoffs, folding his arms over his chest. The room goes silent but everyone continues to glare at Elijah.

Olivia stands up from her seat at the table. "I think everyone should leave." She says in a strong voice while giving me a sympathetic smile. I try to smile back but it comes out weird. I hate this so much.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Cesar scoffs with a roll of his eyes. He grabs his brothers wrist and drags him towards the front door. As he walks by me he says, "I thought you were better than this."

"Cesar," I whisper, watching him leave disappointedly. Oscar hesitates for a second but ultimately leaves without saying a word to me. "Oscar wait!" I call after him but he doesn't listen. He gets in his red impala and angrily speeds away. He just won't listen to me.

Monse walks out next, without even looking at me followed by Jamal. But Jamal stops and gives us a sad smile. "They'll calm down in a while. They're all still upset about the whole Olivia kissing Cesar thing." Jamal explains, holding his fake eyepatch in his hands.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I-I didn't know about that," I say quietly as I fiddle with my hands.

"They just found out before you walked in with the devil himself." He nods his head at Elijah behind me before quickly adding, "Wait that was sort of rude."

"It's okay." Elijah chuckles before I have the chance to say anything. "Why don't I give you a ride home?" He suggests.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" Jamal asks suspiciously glancing from Elijah to me.

"Why would I do that?"

Jamal shrugs but nods his head anyway. "Okay. I'll see you later Camilla." He gives me an apologetic smile before stepping outside and giving Elijah and I a few seconds alone.

"I'm sorry. I should've known something like that would happen." Elijah sighs, his dark plump lips turned down into a frown.

"It's okay," I mumble with a slight shrug of my shoulders. "They'll get it over it. Hopefully."

He nods his head and gives me a sympathetic smile. I don't want his or anyone else's sympathy. And him showing sympathy is awfully strange. "Maybe I'll see you later?" I nod my head and give him a quick hug before I can even fully realize what I'm doing. He steps outside and leads Jamal to his car.

I close the door and turn around, mentally preparing myself to face Ruby's wrath. But he's no longer standing there. It's just Olivia and me.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asks hesitantly as I walk towards our room.

"I don't know," I mumble before opening the door to our room and walking inside.

"I HEARD FROM Ruby that you were with Elijah last night? What the hell were you doing with him? Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Does Mario know?" Sam fires question after question at me as we walk down the hallway on our way to the cafeteria.

"Sam I don't want to talk about it," I mumble, spotting Ruby, Monse, Cesar and Olivia sitting at a table. None of them are speaking but I can still feel the tension in the air, even though I'm about 10 feet away from them.

Sam grabs my arm and forces me to turn around and face him before I have the chance to sprint away. "Camilla you know he's not a good person. Why the hell did you give him another chance? Haven't you learned your lesson?" Sam says angrily, running his free hand through his hair.

I twist my face with anger as I pull my arm out of his grasp. "I don't need to be reminded, Samuel." I spit each word venomously. "And I certainly don't need to explain myself." I speed-walk away from him, not giving him the chance to respond. And as I practically jog past the table where the squad is sitting, they all turn their heads to look at me, a confused expression on each of their faces. But Cesar is the only one that gets up and follows me.

"Camilla wait." He says, grabbing my arm to stop me. I reluctantly turn around with a raised eyebrow. He sighs, fleeting his eyes around the area. "About last night-"

"If you're going to lecture me on why I shouldn't have talked to Elijah, then you should stop right now because I've heard it multiple times already," I say, interrupting his sentence. He exhales a breathy chuckle as he releases his grip on my arm.

"That's not what I was going to say," Cesar states, folding his arms over his chest. "I was going to say that, we all might have overreacted last night. And I'm sorry about that. We should've let you explain, but instead, we jumped to conclusions."

A shaky breath passes my lips as I drop my gaze to the ground. "Cesar I can't do this right now," I say faintly, as my head begins to pound.


"I don't care," I say, raising my voice a few tones. A couple of people that are walking by, turn their heads to look at us but keep moving anyway.

"Outside." Cesar finishes his sentence after my tiny interruption. "Oscar's outside. He wants to talk to you."

I scoff, stepping towards him. "You can tell him to fuck off," I say lowly, narrowing my eyes at the young boy before me.

"I'm pretty sure he'd rather fuck you."

A/N : I have like 5 assignments due on Thursday and I haven't even started any of them ugh.

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