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the next 8ish paragraphs hint towards abuse/rape but it's never explicitly said. if you don't want to read that, I'll add another a/n to show where it stops so you can continue reading.

I'M RUNNING AS fast as I possibly can, but it's still not fast enough. He's right behind me, his hands outstretched to grab me. I push myself to go faster but I can't. My lungs are burning, my heart is pounding against my ribcage. I can barely breathe, but I keep running. I can't stop running. A bead of sweat trickles down the side of my face and I want to stop to catch my breath but I can't. I have to keep running. I can't stop running. I can't-

I trip and fall, landing on my knees. "No, no, no!" I exclaim, scrambling to get up but it's too late. He grabs me by my elbow, forcing me to stand up and face him. But I squeeze my eyes shut, so I won't have to look at him.

"Open your eyes Cami." His rough voice demands. I rapidly shake my head no. "Camilla." He says in a warning tone, his grip tightening on my arm.

"No." I spit out, turning my head down so my chin is tucked into my chest. "You can't make me."

He chuckles and trails his finger down my cheek. I try to turn my head the other way but he grabs my chin and forces me to stay still. "There are so many things I can make you do." He whispers, his hot breath fanning my face. The hand that's on my elbow trails down my body, and creeps towards my inner thigh. I squirm and try to wiggle out of his grip but he won't let me. "Open your eyes, Camilla, I'm not going to ask again."

I reluctantly open my eyes, glaring at the dark-skinned man before me. His plump lips are curled into a sinister smile but his eyes are glinting with anger. Why did I ever fall for him? What did I ever see in him? He's done nothing but hurt me, again and again.

"You should know better than to try and run away from me." He spits as he roughly grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You can't run." He says slowly, enunciating each word.

He pushes me to the hard concrete ground and hovers above me, pinning my arms down so I can't swing them at him. I know what's going to happen next, he's done it before. I start screaming and thrashing around, kicking my legs wildly but it's no use. It's never of any use. He's stronger than I am. He'll always be stronger than I am. He'll always win no matter what I do.

A/N : you can read everything below this

"Camilla baby, wake up!" I sit up with a loud gasp, my heart beating frantically against my chest. I wildly look around, breathing heavily, but slightly relax when I recognize the familiar pale walls of my room. It was just a dream. He can't hurt me. "Camilla are you okay?" My mom asks in a soft tone as she runs her hand through my hair.

I nod my head as I try to catch my breath. "Just a bad dream," I say breathlessly, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

She frowns, halting her movements. "You haven't had those for a while. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes mom," I sigh, nodding my head. "I'm fine. Go back to sleep." She reluctantly gets up and walks out of my room with a sigh, closing the door behind her.

I grab my phone off the side table and flop onto my back, my breathing still not quite normal. I unlock my phone and go to iMessage, clicking on Oscar's name. Should I text him? He's probably sleeping. Why should I text him anyway? Sure we've gotten closer over the past two weeks but we still aren't dating. I'll probably just annoy him. But if I don't text him, then I'll have all these pent up emotions that I won't know what to do with and I'll turn to the wrong things.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Where stories live. Discover now