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Saturday, August 27th. 8:30 pm.

you and Oscar didn't talk things out?

does he tell you everything?

especially things concerning his novia

I am not his girlfriend.

well he wants you to be
and I'm pretty sure you want to as well

I don't know him well enough.

he took you to his safe spot and the two of you walked around talking for hours about yourselves
I'm pretty sure you know enough to make some sort of decision

I've known the guy for like 3 days
I'm not going to suck his dick the first chance I get

he doesn't want that
but he's down if you're down

oh dios mío
you two are annoying

chill 😂 its just a joke

I bet he appreciates you talking to me for him but, it's not gonna happen Cesar.

give the guy a chance

I did
and he was sweet one day and the next he was being a total tool

I understand what you're saying but I mean come on

no Cesar there is no "come on". good night.

it's barely 9. you never go to sleep before 12

must I spell it out for you Diaz?

smh okay goodnight

A/N : I know, I know it's a short chapter but, it's just a tiny filler thingy. next one will be an actual chapter I promisee


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