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I'M SITTING ON a light brown wooden chair at Monse's house, with my arm resting on the table as I drink from a green glass bottle. Turns out the dance was cancelled because of some fight, so Monse suggested that we should go to her house and party. Oscar drove all of us here but I haven't seen him since I left the car, and that was about twenty minutes ago.

"You look upset," Olivia says, sitting down on the chair beside me. I briefly glance over at her before looking back down at the table. "Are you okay?" 

I exhale a breathy laugh as I shrug my shoulders. "You seen Cesar's scary looking brother anywhere?" I ask as I look around for him. I don't even have Sam to keep me company, so I'm forced to go look for my over dramatic boyfriend.

"I think he went outside a few minutes ago." Olivia says slowly, looking over her shoulder at the door. I nod my head and stand up, instantly stumbling over my own feet. Olivia gasps and steadies me. "I can call him inside." She offers hastily.

I shake my head as she takes the bottle from me. "No, I have to talk to him alone." She gives me an uncertain look, causing me to sigh. "I'll be fine Olivia," I assure her. She nods her head and slowly lets go of me, letting me walk outside on my own.

Oscar's sitting on the steps that lead to the porch, and he turns around when I step outside, and I notice a cigarette dangling from his plump lips. He takes a drag and blows the smoke towards me with a cold look on his face. I roll my eyes and sit down next to him, resting my elbows on my thighs and then my chin on my palms.

"Are you mad?" I ask quietly, staring out at the dark street in front of us. The music can be heard outside, even though the door is shut tight.

"Nah." He says, offering me his cigarette. Now that I'm looking closer at it I notice that it isn't a cigarette, it's a joint. Of course, what was I expecting? He told me that he's obsessed with weed. I shake my head no, and he shrugs before taking another drag. "Do you trust me, Cami?" I nod my head instantaneously which makes him smile lightly. "Then tell me his name."

I exhale a deep breath, looking down at my black ballerina flats. "I can't," I whisper, sitting up straight. I wrap my arms around my waist as I nervously chew on my bottom lip. I don't want to talk about him anymore. Why does he keep coming up in every conversation?

"Can't or won't?" Oscar scoffs, turning his head to look at me. I do the same and stare into his hazel eyes. His eyes were the first thing I saw when I looked at him. It wasn't his teardrop tattoo or the scary look on his face. It was his eyes; they were cold but soft at the same time and made me feel safe. 

"Both." My answer is barely audible. He drops his joint on the ground, angrily putting it out with his shoe. "Oscar I know you. You're going to go fuck him up and end up in jail again."

"Yeah, I know. You told me that last week." Oscar rolls his eyes as he fiddles with his thumbs. "I'm not dumb Camilla." Every time he says my name, it's like a bullet is going through my heart. He doesn't call me by my name, he calls me cute things like his princess or his love. I don't want him to say my name, I want him to call me those names.

I grab his hands and hold them in mine, causing him to look over at me. "I will tell you, I promise," I say, assuring him with my eyes. He nods his head and gives me a forced smile. "I just need time Oscar," I whisper, looking into those hazel eyes that captivated me from the first day I met him. 

"Time is the one thing that isn't guaranteed morenita," Oscar says with a sigh. "I get it though. I'll wait to fuck up his face."

"Oscar!" I gasp, pushing him away playfully. He laughs and throws his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to his body. "You better not do anything dumb." I roll my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder.

He inhales a deep breath, "Don't worry about me."

"You make it very hard to not do that." I scoff, cuddling into his side. He doesn't say anything, just pulls me closer until I'm practically sitting on his lap. I don't say anything either, out of fear of ruining the moment. We sit together on the porch for who knows how long, just looking out at the street before us and enjoying each other's company.

"Stay over tonight?" Oscar mumbles in my ear after a while of silence. I look up at him and find him already looking down at me. 

"You don't even have to ask." I whisper back, leaning up to attach our lips. I feel him smile against my lips, which makes me smile.

"You wanna dance with me?" He mumbles against my lips. I pull away from him with wide eyes.

"You can dance?" I ask, my voice full of shock. 

He laughs and stands up, pulling me up with him. "I'll try for you morenita." My lips form a wide smile as I intertwine our hands, and drag him inside with me. We drink and dance the night away together, the smiles never leaving our faces and all the untold secrets fading away. Tonight easily became the best night of my life.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Where stories live. Discover now