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"ARE YOU SPENDING the night?" Oscar asks as we eat dinner. Cesar glances between us, a smirk playing on his lips.

I kick Cesar's shin under the table, causing him to hiss in pain. "If you want." I smile sweetly at Oscar, who furrows his eyebrows at Cesar and me.

"Yeah, I want you to." He nods his head, as Cesar tries to kick my shin but I swiftly dodge it and kick him once again.

"Dude!" Cesar exclaims, dropping his fork on his plate and looking under the table. "Where the hell is your foot?!" He swings his leg around making me laugh loudly.

"Wait what?" Oscar asks, his voice laced with confusion as he glances between us.

"Cesar's being annoying." I bat my eyelashes at him. He instantaneously turns his head towards Cesar, giving him a warning look.

"Me?! Camilla started it!" Cesar exclaims, pointing an accusing finger at me as I innocently eat my spaghetti. Oscar's actually a really good cook, which shocks me. Who knew a guy like him could cook?

"You sound like a child." Oscar rolls his eyes. Cesar blinks at him, his face twisted with betrayal.

"Of course you'd pick your girlfriend's side." He mumbles, pushing his food around the plate with his silver fork. "What was I expecting?"

"Oh shut up drama king." I roll my eyes as he angrily shovels food into his mouth. "You're so extra."

I smile and blow him a kiss, earning myself a cough from Oscar. I glance towards him and see him glaring at me. "Stop flirting with my brother." He scowls making me laugh.


the next couple paragraphs reveal the eating disorder that Camilla struggles with. there are quite a few details so if that's triggering to you, I'll add another note so you know when to start reading again.

I look down at my almost empty plate and feel the food sitting at the base of my throat. I frown, clearing my throat to get rid of the feeling but it won't go away. Not here. Not today. I've been doing so good. "Where's the bathroom?" I ask aloud, still frowning at my plate.

"Down the hall, first door to your left." Oscar answers. "You okay? My cooking's not that bad is it?"

"No no, it's great!" I assure him as I stand up. "Best spaghetti I've had in a while. Don't tell my mom I said that." Both brothers laugh and talk softly with each other as I walk down the hall, heading towards the bathroom.

I practically run into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, flinging the tap on before kneeling in front of the toilet. It's as if my fingers have a mind of their own. I shove two shaky fingers down my throat, purposely making myself throw up. I don't stop until I've thrown up all the food I'd eaten.

My breathing is heavy and my body feels faint as I stand up and flush the toilet. I wash my hands and stare at my tired image in the mirror. This is all his fault. He'd call me names and purposely compare me to other girls and make me feel bad about myself. But I can't stop doing it. The only people that know are Mario and Sam.

A/N : you can read everything below this

I pull open the door and jump when I see Cesar standing there with a curious look on his face. "You okay? You look a bit flushed." He asks as I step out of the bathroom.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Where stories live. Discover now