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"HEY CAMI," ELIJAH smiles as he falls in step with me, his hands tucked into the pockets of his black shorts. His hair is in two braids, the same style that I used to do on him. I inhale a sharp breath and glance around the field, looking for Jamal.

"What's up?" I mumble back to him, spotting a nervous Jamal on the bench. He's holding his red helmet in his hands and his knee is bouncing up and down.

Elijah cuts straight to the chase, "Can we talk?" I stop walking and turn my body to face him.

"About what?" I question, raising an eyebrow and folding my arms over my chest.

"You know," he gestures between us and says the one word I was hoping he wouldn't, "us."

"There is no us Elijah." I snap almost immediately. "Why don't you understand that?"

A pair of hands place themselves on my shoulders and I don't even have to turn around to know who it is. "Mi amor," his rough voice whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck. I slightly lean into him, just enough so that Elijah can see what I'm doing. "Is this pendejo bothering you?"

Elijah glances between us with his jaw clenched tightly. But he forces a smile onto his face nonetheless. "Nope. Not bothering anyone." He says through gritted teeth. "I'll see you later Camilla." He heads towards Jamal before either of us have the chance to say anything.

"Can't promise I won't hurt him," Oscar whispers as he softly kisses the skin below my ear. A tingle runs through my body and I have to force the feeling away so I can yell at him because of what he said.

"Oscar!" I groan, spinning around to face him. I'm met by his grinning face as I wrap my arms around his neck. "You can't-"

"Go to jail again I know baby." He rolls his eyes as he finishes my sentence for me. "I promised I wouldn't kill him. But that don't mean I won't fuck him up."

I sigh and shake my head as I pull him into a tight hug. "You're crazy," I mumble into his shoulder, as I inhale his scent. He smells like weed and smoke with a tiny hint of a nice smelling cologne.

"Crazy for you." He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Come on, let's go sit." I nod my head and pull away from him and intertwine our hands together. Something so simple like holding hands with him makes me so happy.

We go up the steps of the bleachers and pass Cesar, Ruby, Monse and Olivia who give us curious looks as we walk by.

"I hope they win," I mumble to Oscar as we sit down beside to his friends. All of them do stupid handshakes and give each other 'man hugs'.

Oscar looks over at me and nods his head, throwing his arm over my shoulders and pulling me towards him. "They better win." I roll my eyes and playfully smack his shoulder.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE you won the game!" I excitedly exclaim to Jamal as I pull him into a hug. Jamal was put into the game after the ref benched the entire lineup, and he somehow scored the winning touchdown. Maybe practicing with Elijah was a good idea.

"Well you know," Jamal shrugs cockily as he releases his hold on me. "I'm awesome." I roll my eyes and playfully slap the back of his head.

"You wish compa." Oscar chuckles as he walks up to us. I smile at him over my shoulder before turning my attention back to Jamal.

But before Jamal can continue the playful banter, Elijah throws his arm over Jamal's shoulders with a forced smile on his face. "You did it, bro! I always knew you could." Elijah congratulates him with a playful punch to his shoulder.

Jamal winces but doesn't let his smile falter. "I couldn't have done it without you. I owe you." He says gratefully. I roll my eyes and spin around to face an annoyed Oscar.

RIDE OR DIE ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [1]Where stories live. Discover now