Chapter 2

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Heyyyy. So this is chapter 2 on the next day! I feel so proud of myself! Anyway I'm sorry if it gets a bit confusing about this but its fine and just ask if you don't understand. As I said I''m not great but now I'm also tired but will try my best! :)


Niklaus PoV

I had walked Emiliana home after our interesting day together. I felt very bad for asking about her parents once she told me but I did not know until she said. I just loved our day together and could not wait for our day together tomorrow. I would be hoping that she could meet my family too but I would not like to make it hard for her.

What I did not know is how she knew my mothers name. I had assumed at first that people were talking about her but when she said that Thaliana and herself are witches I did not believe at first but then I did once she showed me.


"I'm sorry love but I don't seem to believe that you are a witch" just a moment ago she told me that she was a witch who was not born with her powers but earned them.

"Oh but Mr.Mikealson I think you should believe that I am because it is very much true." As soon as she said that there was a small ball of fire coming out from the palm of her hand. It looked amazing. It appeared out of nowhere. She really was a witch who earned her powers. I found her amazing, a witch who was not born a witch was truly interesting.

"Okay my love. I believe you now." As soon as I said that she let the ball of fire disappear. "You are truly amazing and special love." Once I said that I regretted it immediately because she went silent.

"Oh, why thank you." She seemed a bit shocked by my sudden outburst but did not let it phase her.

End of Flashback.

By the time I had stopped thinking about her I found myself at my home. When I normally walk in I would see father asking me where I have been but today was different. My father was no where near the door. Instead I was greeted by my favorite brother Elijah. "Where have you been brother? Mother was very worried." Elijah sounding like his normal noble self asked politely.

"I have been out with a friend. Why was mother very worried about my well being. She knows I normally come home late." I stated in a matter of fact tone.

"We know that brother but Mother had a guest and she wanted you to meet her earlier but now they are busy working on spells." I immediately realized who he was talking about.

"What was her name brother? And also I realized that she would want me to meet her in the afternoon instead of late at night." I also wanted to know if it was Thaliana and she had Emiliana her with her. Although I only just walked her home.

"Thaliana was her name brother. Do you know of that name or have you hear of it?" Elijah being the interested one he is asked if I knew of her.

"I have heard of her Elijah. I was with her friend Emiliana all day that is why I am later than normal because I walked her home." I ended up telling Elijah everything about what happened today and about Emiliana being a witch who was not born that way, he was fascinated about her and wanted to meet her.

"May I join you tomorrow? I mean to meet Emiliana, she sounds very nice." Of course Elijah wanted to meet her. She sounded fascinating to him. I could not refuse my brother of meeting her.

"Of course brother. But may I ask if you do not tell anyone of this yet because I do not want others to know about our meeting." Elijah seemed very pleased that he could join us, I was however very worried that Emiliana would not like it if my brother asked her lots of diffrent questions. "Well brother I must go to bed now. I will see you tomorrow. Good night Elijah."

"Good night brother." As soon as he said that I got ready for bed and soon got into bed only to be overcome with a swirling pool of dreams.


Heyyyy. So I have done this in 2 days because I am very ill and had nothing else to do because I wasn't in school so I updated. Hope you liked it and please no hate. If you have any questions just ask me! :)

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