Chapter 17

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Heyyy. I was thinking about finishing this book soon and starting a sequel because I can only write fanfics let's put it that way ABOUT TVD &TO ONLY! Anyway onto the story. Also I'm doing a character profile for this so I don't forget who's who! :)


Serena's POV:

I think Em knows what I'm doing but still. I climb out of bed and get showered and dressed. I wait for Tyler to make a movement before I sped out of the room and to the training room. 5:55 good I'm early. "Serena! A good Pack Warrior Leader comes very early so they are also prepared." Wait. What?

"Did you just say what I think you said?" She nods. "Yayy. Love you. But I best wake a paranoid Tyler up." I smirk and she just tells me to go. I decide to jump on my bed and act as if I'm asleep.

"Serena? Come on we have to go to school."

-Come and remind Tyler of training.-

"I really don't want to go to school." I heard footsteps come to our room. A shirtless Tyler looks scared.

"TYLER LOCKWOOD! I HOPE YOU DID NOT FORGET ABOUT TRANING!" He gulped which made me laugh slightly. "Anyway it's train now for half and hour or two hours tonight." As soon as that was said he was gone.

"Two hours? You spoil me you know. But am I going to school today?" 

"Nope. You are going to help me explain what we are to Stefan and Elena." I laugh.

"Can we scare the crap out of them. Please. At least let me take my hunting equipment." She nodded. "Anyway I really am going hunting now. See ya in a bit." I decide to keep the same clothes on but run to the training room to see everyone working hard but stop when I get there.

"Serena! Shouldn't you be training with us? I mean you are the Head Warrior after all." I shook my head.

"Two hour training today. Instead I'm going hunting. Anyone want some blood? Animal blood sadly but our next guest is a vegetarian." They shake their heads. "Good. Well continue streching and don't hurt yourself Ty. Toodles!" I waved and walked out with my famous bow and arrow. Let's hope Ty actually went to school.

I get a bit alone so I text Stefan. 

Me- Hey bunny boy. Wanna join me hunting? I can show you some of my amazing skills. :)

S- Sorry I drink animal blood. And no thanks I'm with Elena.

Me- I am hunting animals you idiot! Besides you are coming over. Don't want you to hurt our friends now do we?

S- Suppose not fine I'll be there soon.

"I thought you were more the human type." I look around and see Elijah in the tree.

"Yea I am. Bunny boy isn't. So I get the best job of hunting. Remember Robin Hood?" Elijah chuckled.

"Always thought they were too good to be true. Turns out it was a she." I laugh now and see Stefan start to appear.

"Yeah. Good bye Elijah." He nods and disappears. In come's Stefan. "Stefanie! Hope you brought your own equipment." He eyes the bow and arrow.

"I thought we were hunting? I thought you meant actual hunt."

"I never said that but I also think someone should live a little I mean I am I love using that. But I always hated what happened when I got back. Children were scared the person was going to take them." I sighed. "Anyway Hunting. Let's go." He smirks evilly before running off. 

I eventually catch up with him feasting on a deer. "Oh no. Don't kill Bambi! They are my best friends." Stefan stops and laughs at me. I look at my wrist. "Oh look at the time best be coming back to mine. Hope you told Elena to meet you. Come on." We run back to mine and see Em waiting for me.

Klaus' Daughter the first. (TVD fanfic ) PERMANTANT HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now