Chapter 24

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Heyyyy. So Wow! I have over 1000 reads. I love you guys! Anyway on with the story!!


Serena's POV:

"What do you think happened?" I hear some voices but sadly can't move.

"I don't know but maybe we should wake her up." I think that's Em.

"I vote water. With ice." I groan loudly and try to move. "Awww. I wanted to use the ice." I slowly open my eyes by blinking madly and groan again.

"God. What happened?" I feel a massive headache coming on. "Oh and Kol. You are dead." I open my eyes and see Klaus, Elijah, Bekah, Kol and Em.

"Well. It seems like you fainted or were put un-"

"-under Esther's spell." I wince from a pain in my head. "How long has it been?"

"A few hours it's morning. When you passed out Esther and Finn didn't look suprised at all and just stood there." I slowly nod and stand up. "Where are you going? You should rest." I glare at Klaus.

"Out. I promised someone I would help them out for a few days." Everyone nods but one person.

"Alright. Just after this ball Esther want's to introduce the Mikealson family to everyone." I groan.

"Why?" I see the glare Em sends me and slowly nod. " Alright. But I will be getting ready at Elena's then as soon as this day of the ball is over I will be leaving to where I need to go." Everyone nods and I leave to the Boarding House.

---------------Boarding House---------

Still Serena's POV:

"Oh Salvatores! We have a problem!" I walk into the parlour and see Damon, Stefan and Elena. "Oh. Hi Elena." I wave and she waves back.

"Alright. We are here what's the problem? That Original Witch is back and our plan failed." I groan in annoyance and sit on the couch.

"You don't get it. Esther has been planning this for over a thousand years. Besides when one original die their whole sire line dies. Aka you kill the wrong original you die. That's why Esther wants to correct her mistakes." They looked shocked.

"Okay. So who is our Sire? I know you don't have one but who sired Rose?" I think and smirk.

"You are not gonna like the answer one bit." Elena is still shocked and when the doorbell goes I walk and answer it. I open the door to see nothing there but a letter adressed to Elena. "Lena! It's for chou." She takes it and reads it aloud.

"Please join the Mikealson family. This evening at 7pm for dancing, cocktails and Celebrations." Elena looks at me when something on the note catches my eye.

"Whats? That on the back?" Elena turns it around and reads it.

"Elena. I think its time we finally meet. Esther." I look at the letter in shock.

"She really wants to meet you. I think you might be in trouble."  They look at me in confusion. "Sorry. Just remembering the last time Esther wanted to meet me."

"And what exactly happened?" I laughed humorlessly.

"I blacked out. This was yesterday." They all look confused. "She dosen't like Vampires at all. I guess she found something all the Orignials love. Minus Finn of course." They all nod in understanding.

"Elena. I don't think you should go." I look at Damon in shock.

"And why is that?" Elena puts a hand on her hip. Sassy.

Klaus' Daughter the first. (TVD fanfic ) PERMANTANT HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now