Waves on the beach

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The warm sand clashes with my bare feet as I walk toward the water. The sun's rays are blazing down into my eyes, forcing me to look down at the sand. It has been forever since I have gone to a beach... which is sad because I love the waves crashing forward and the sand between my toes with a drink in my hand... cut out the last part. One bad thing about being a minor is you only can drink with your parents. The tragic thing about that right?

"Hurry up Victoria!" Mason yells at me from in the water. I look up at him and block the sun with my hand before I have a chance to be blinded. Most of the beach is covered in people since summer just started and its a warm day. There's more adults and teens then any children, which means no crying and no sand flying everywhere. Maybe this can be my relaxation place now.

"I'm coming," I yell back at them. "Just calm down you prick."

"I heard that!" Mason yells as Sam splashes him with water.

"You were suppose to. That's why I said it out loud." I say with a annoyed tone leaking from my lips. Sam and Mason changed into their suits the second we got here then went straight for the water. I, on the other hand, have been enjoying the view more than anything. The water crashing in the distance as people try to surf the waves, people splashing each other in the water and laughing, other sitting on the beach watching. Its a beautiful day. This beach stretches for half a mile both ways then is met with private property signs and fences on the sand. Kind of sucks how people can just take part of the beach for their own. Must be nice.

"Why aren't you in the water?" Someone asks behind me, causing me to jump out of my thoughts. I turn to see Owen staring at the boys as they laugh about something stupid.

"Not in the mood." I say crossing my arms in front of me. "I see you weren't in the mood either." I nod to his shorts, seeing he didn't change.

"Tori," He turns and looks at me but I just stare at Sam as he smiles at me before being pulled underwater. "I'm sorry about..."

"Why do you guys hate Conner?" I stop him. I don't want to hear his pity apologizes, not now, not ever.

"Uhm..." He rubs his neck and looks at the guys as they make their way over to us. "Maybe you should ask Sam. He can explain it better than I ever could."

"Explain what?" Sam asks walking over to where they threw their towels down in the sand.

"The thing with Conner." Owen says looking at Mason.

"Why do you care?" He asks wiping his hair with the towel. I shrug.

"Curiosity of why you guys seem to hate each other when he seems so..."

"Well, he's not. Okay? He's a horrible person... so just stay away from him." Mason says then walks away and I look at Owen with a questioning face but he follows him. I groan then start to walk down the beach. A shadow appears next to me and walks at my pace.

"What do you want to know?" Sam asks and I keep looking down at my feet. Why do I care anyway? In a couple weeks they are all going to forget who I am... its what people do best.

"Why do you hate him? What did he do?" I almost whisper. The people who used to ask me if I was okay when I was in a bad mood at school, avoided me like the plague after my parents passed. Everyone did. The one time you need people and nobody but a forty year old woman is there for you.

"He was the asshole at the school. Everyone knew his name at the beginning of the year because he was the star line backer of the football team. The girls would fan over him and the guys were all friends with him, even us at one point. We were all really close until one day Conner decided to get really drunk then drive over to my place. He couldn't stand straight he was so drunk. The guys thought it was funny but then I saw the dent on his front end. He was so drunk he couldn't tell us what happened." I nod following along with what he was saying. "The next day he woke up crying and ran outside to look at his car. He freaked out and we were all really confused.

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