The Plan

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"So if we just find what exact place this guy lives in then it would be easier to just walk in there." I say as I point at the map. Sam and I have been sitting here for hours trying to find anyway to get to this guy. He's protected by his members, since he is the leaders only child.

"Well my dad said that he would be more over here..." Sam says pointing to one of the buildings in the middle. I hear my door creak open behind us and slam the computer shut.

"Well hello to you too." Mason says walking into my room with Owen following behind him. They look at me and Sam on the floor with curious faces.

"How did you get in here?" I ask as they sit on my bed.

"Aunty let us in." Owen says then looks at Sam, his voice filled with curiosity."What are you guys doing in here?"

"Nothing." I say and Sam nods. If we are going to do anything we need to make sure they don't find out. Even though these two are our close friends we can't let them in on it for the fear that they will spread it around, which could lead to deadly consequences.

"We are just doing some research on something. What are you guys up to?" Sam asks as I grab my laptop and put it back on my desk so they would stop looking at it.

"We were going to go to a party out of town. Wanted to stop and see if you guys wanted to join." Mason says as Owen stares out my window.

"I think I'm going to stay home tonight. I need to try to get some sleep for once." I say and they both nod. "Sam can go though. He's free."

"What?" He asks looking at me, not expecting it.

"Yeah, you need to get out and be social. Maybe find yourself a girl." I wink at him. We talked about this a while ago, how he only had one girlfriend in his whole life but she turned out to be a complete hoe. And no, I did not just 'friend zone' him. We agreed that we were best friends since Mason and Owen kept saying we would be a cute couple. Cue eye roll.

"Yeah. Sure, I'll go with you guys." Sam says smiling at me then gets up from the floor and follows them to the door.

"Bye guys. Have fun but not too much fun." I yell after them.

"Oh we will!" Owen yells back then I hear the front door close and rush over to my laptop and continue my plan. While me and Sam were working I was devising my own plan, not because I didn't trust him, because if something happens I don't want him to get hurt. This is my family that I am trying to fend for. Plus, he has never shot a gun before and if anything happens he won't know what to do. My dad taught me a few years ago for self defense and I wish I could thank him for it now.

I grab my bag from my closet and find the case in the back. I unlock it then take out my dads phone and find their address. I write it down on a piece of paper then plug it into my GPS on my phone. Nevada. I look back to the box and take out the pistol.

This will finally make me at peace. Only when this guy is dead will I ever be able to move on. My parents did nothing but follow his fathers orders and then he kills them. If I don't kill him then who will? I quickly shove the pistol into my back pack with changes of clothes and a few other things then open my window. I tried this out a few weeks ago when I snuck out to go to Sam's and it worked pretty well. When I am on the roof I close the window, leaving a crack open, then go to the side and put my foot on the railing. Next thing I do is run to my car with keys in hand.

It's for the better, and I know Aunty would not approve. I mean, what adult would be approving of a child going anywhere to kill someone? Not many. I look at the driving time as  drive down the street. Roughly seven hours to get to Nevaeh, where this piece of shit is living with a few other members. My dad had all three addresses for these dealers, from when he had to pick up the packages. It is perfect for right now. I know exactly where they are and what time they leave and come back for drop offs. These people aren't the brightest. If you are going to do something illegal, at least don't have a timed schedule and mix it up so people won't be able to track you down.  It's sad to know that a teenage girl can track down a whole group of gang members in a matter of a hour.

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