A Mind Like Wonderland

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"Where is she?" I scream at my dad as Mason and Owen stand behind me. Tori is in danger and my father is trying to pretend its not happening. "If you don't tell me where the hell she is I am going to beat it out of you so you..."

"She's with her new family!" He screams finally. That was not the answer we expected.

"New family...?" Owen asks.

"Yes now shut up. She is living with her family for a few months. Mindy has already been told." He says and I feel the rage fill in me. Why is he lying about where she is? I walk over to him and punch him the face. I have wanted to do that for years.

"Tell me where she is!" I scream and my mother runs to him.

"Samuel!" She screams as my father stands up but she holds him back.

"She is with her new family!" He roars at me. "She's not going to come back so just shut up! Its where her father wanted her to be and now she is where she was suppose to be in the first place!"

"Then why lie to me!" I scream back at him. Owen puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me down and it helps a little.

"Because. It was the one way for our freedom." He says and I look at him confused.

"That night in the alley, her father knew these thugs. He even talked with their leader for a while. I was drunk and got pissed off. I started a fight with him and that's why he makes me work for him. Tori's father would just occasionally help a friend out and hold the packages for him. Their leader offered me a new deal. If I make a trail for Tori then they would set me free..."

"So you lied to her about everything." Owen says next to me.

"Yes." He says.

"If she was suppose to be with them then why did you have to lie to get her there?" Mason asks.

"Because, if she found out her fathers friends were gang members and that's where she would be living she wouldn't be too happy."

"Your a coward." I say to him. "Where did they take her?"

"They wouldn't tell me that." He says and I walk out of the room.

"We will find her." I say. I haven't slept since she disappeared. I don't care if I even just talk to her. Just as long as I know she's safe.


"Have a seat." William told me and I sat down across from him as Zach walked into the room. "Zachary, we don't need..."

"I want to hear this." He says and his father slightly nods to him.

"So, Victoria, the main reason we have brought you here is because your father told me to keep you safe. At first, I was wondering how the hell you would be safe if you stayed with us so I let you go away to your mother's friend's. But now, it occurs to me that I can't protect you when you're so far away. Your father always talked of how smart and powerful you were and I had the honor of seeing that in you as you grew up.

"I am not going to force you into saying yes, but I believe you would be safer in staying here." He says and I look at him for a few seconds.

"You mean like, join your gang?" I ask quietly.

"After training, if you would like you can. Otherwise you can stay in the sanction of my home until you're old enough to have your own home." He says and I nod.

"Sure. Since it's what my father wanted." He claps his hands together in a way of ending the conversation but I still have questions. "So why now? Why not in a few months"

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