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After driving for about two hours, Owen convinced me to slow down for the reason if we get pulled over it would take us longer to help her. The ride has been quiet with my thoughts crowding my mind, not giving me peace until we had her back. Does Mason like Tori? They both know that I spend so much with her because I love her. Owen even told me to tell her last night. Mason does know...right?

"Hey mom." Mason says in the back seat. I look in the mirror and see him on the phone. She must have wondered where he went since it is late at night. They talked to each other for a while then Owen told me he was going to call his parents so they don't worry about him. They both told their parents that we took a last minute road trip, going with Tori's lie. Their parents got mad but thought it was good to spend more time with the friends or some bullshit. When Mindy told us we were suppose to be with her I lied to her and said that we were suppose to meet Tori at my house in a few hours so she must have went shopping this morning to get supplies ad food.

"Are you going to call your parents?" Owen asks and I just stare at the road. My knuckles go white on the wheel as I think of speaking to my father.

"No." I say bluntly to them. My father is a coward. He should have done something for Tori's parents but instead he hid in the shadows like the coward he is. He could have saved them... he could have saved her from the word of pain and depression she lives in now. I have seen her cuts on her arms and legs but try to not say anything and just be there for her. She needs a friend right now to support her, not to bash on her for hurting herself. As much as it hurts me to see her sad, I know she needs to do this in order to calm herself.

"Why not?" Mason asks snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Because." I say and they look at each other.

"Why are you being so distant from us lately?" Owen asks and I look at the road.

"I'm not." I say in an angry matter making the topic be dropped. They know better than to push me to talk about stuff. If I want to keep it to myself, I will do so without people pestering me.

"Someone's texting you." Owen says grabbing my phone and reading the message then gasping.

"What?" I ask then swipe it from his hands, looking from the message to the road.

'Come home, your mother is worried for you. Your friend got hurt. really bad' Dad.

"Tori's hurt...." Mason says and I pull the car over to give him a call. For once he answer quickly.

"Hello..." He responds with a very stern voice but I cut the crap right away.

"Tori's back home?" I ask him and he goes quiet.

"She's in the hospital. She said she was looking for you guys but then she got into a car accident..."

"She told me she was in Nevada." I yell at him confused.

"She was a few hours out of town this morning when she got into a car accident with an angry group of older males. She must have freaked out and slammed on her breaks, making them slide right into her car." My dad says and I look at the guys. "You need to come home."

"Okay. I am on my way." I say then hang up and look in my mirror before turning us around and going into the other side of the road and speeding back home.

"What's happening?" Mason asks in a panic voice.

"Tori's back home and she's hurt." Is the only words I spare them before we all go silent, our brains pondering how this all happened.

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