The ending

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A week later

Shooting practice, strength training, and combat training. This is how I can sum up my last few days with the boys. Since I am now a member, they needed to make sure I knew all of these in  case if something were to happen. So I didn't really get to see my friends for long since I only ate meals with them.

I look out the window of my room and watch as the leaves fall from the trees in the wind. It's a good thing that the boys left last night because a big storm is coming. I lean forward and see a leaf stick onto my window from the rain. I quick grab my sketch book from under my desk and try to find where I put my pencil but find the barrel of a gun, that I was told to keep in here, instead. I pull out my colored pencils from a drawer in the desk and sketch the beautiful creation of nature.

"What are doing?" Someone asks loudly behind me, causing me to jump. I look at my drawing and see a dark line going through it. I turn in annoyance to Zachary as he walks over to me as if nothing happened. I turn the drawing to him. "It looks like that line is not suppose to be there.."

"I know!" I complain. "You scared me and I jumped." He laughs under his breath and I turn back to the window as the rain comes down harder and harder. I feel his arms go around my neck as he nuzzles into me. A few minutes pass in silence until a strike of lightening fills the sky and looks as if it almost hit the house. I jump once the thunder follows a few seconds later, causing the room to shake.

"I knew your bed would be shaking someday, but I didn't think it would be because of a storm." Zachary says and I spin to him, trying to hold an angry face but bust out laughing. After a few minutes another loud rumble fills the sky and the power shuts off, leaving us into a dark frenzy. "Don't worry, it will come back on soon."

"Are you sure?" I ask him and stare where he was a few seconds before, not knowing if he was still there or not. Lightening lights up my room so I can see him looking at me again.

"Lets go into my room and get a flashlight so we can go check out the generators." He tells me and I nod, even though he can't see me. A quick reaction in my causes me to grab the gun from under my desk and slide it into the back of my jeans then reach into the darkness until I feel his shirt. I hold it in my grip and follow behind him as he walks down the hall. We walk for what seems like forever until he stops abruptly in front of me, causing me to hit my face on his back.

"Why are you..." I start to ask but he turns and puts a hand over my mouth, bringing me closer to the wall. I look at him confused but then see something move down the dark hallway. Someone is here who isn't suppose to be here. I look at him with wide eyes and he pulls my arm immediately remembers my training and I grab my gun from my pants. I watch as the hall fills with lightening and the person closes the window that they must have come through. They wore mostly black and was dripping rain water onto the floor. The room goes back into a dark frenzy and we stand waiting for him to do something.

A clicking sound fills the hall and I knew what would happen. I grabbed the door handle next to us and open it, throwing him in as the lights turn back on. I slowly look back into the hall to see a tall person in all black, with a face mask, walking down the hall slowly with something in his hand. You gassed it, a pistol with a silencer. I feel the adrenaline in me rise as he gets closer and closer. I hear a faint whisper behind me and look at Zachary but he looks calm. I now can hear the mans footsteps as he gets closer. Once I hear him close enough I look at Zachary and we both nod. I lung into the hall and grab him from behind, throwing him to the ground.

"Who are you?" I scream at him as he struggles under me. He manages to flip me over and onto the floor. I struggle against him as he pins me to the ground. What happened to Zachary? I put my legs around him and flipped him off me until I pin him down. I see the gun in his hand and he raises it closer to my head. My eyes shoot open and I move my head as fast as I can before he can pull the trigger then punch his throat so he is taken aback then take the time to get up and kick the back of his head, making him fall flat, unconscious. I look around for Zachary but instead find a crowd of people just standing there down the hall, watching me.

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