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I slowly open my eyes to warm light and a bed. The room around me is empty, where's Poe? I slowly sit up, everything aches. Stinging pain shoots through my back from the healing wounds of lashes. I slowly turn to lay on my side and groan. There's a glass of water on the table, I desperately reach for it. Within seconds, all the liquid has disappeared.

The door creaks open and in walks Poe Dameron. He notices I'm awake and makes a beeline for the bed.

"Eira! Thank the gods you're alright." He says, placing his hand on my cheek. My stomach erupts in flutters at his touch. I know he means nothing but the comfort of a friend, but I can't help but wish it was something more.

"Did you think I wouldn't be?" I ask with a crooked grin. He rolls his eyes and studies mine.

"What did they want from you?" I tilt my head to the side, I would've thought they would've figured it out by now.

"The same thing as everyone else, they wanted the map to Luke Skywalker so they can give it to the First Order." Poe nods, I take the moment to stare at his strikingly gorgeous face.

"Your face is still bleeding. I can't believe I let them hurt you." He quickly places a damp rag against my face.

"It's not the worst they did to me, I'm okay." He looks up at me in confusion. My comment was meant to redirect the conversation, it only succeeded in making him more intrigued.

"What do you mean?" I look down at my bruised hands. He slips his warm and callused one into mine. I look up at him. "Eira, please. Tell me."

"I disobeyed Bala-Tik during an interrogation, he punished me. I received- I'll just show you." I carefully turn to face the wall and pull up the back of my shirt. The wounds of 15 lashes wait there, they will likely leave scars. Poe's hand gently trails down my back, he avoids touching them.

"Eira..." His voice cracks, it shatters my heart into a million pieces.

"Bala-Tik, he chained me to a wall after I didn't give him what he wanted. I was hit with 15 lashes. The punishment wasn't what bothered me. I was weak in that moment, defenseless. I feel nothing but shame when I look back on that moment." Poe places his hand on my back once more.

"I'll kill him." He says it quietly, like he's simply making a promise to himself. I quickly pull my shirt down and stand up from the bed.

"It's fine. I'll be okay." He places a hand on my forearm and looks up at me.

"Are you sure?" I nod and grab my jacket from the coatrack. I carefully slip it on, trying my best not to cause any pain.

"Let's head back to base. I want to see Leia."

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