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Hux and I pull apart after what feels like a lifetime. I rest my forehead on his as his hands travel to my back. I only wear a thin shirt, he will easily feel the rough scars on my back. When his fingers meet them, he suddenly pulls back and looks me in my eyes.

"What's on your back?" He asks.

"It's nothing." I say. He takes my cheek in his hand and gazes into my eyes.

"Show me, tell me who did it." I let out a breath and turn to face away from him. He carefully lifts the shirt up my back to reveal my scars. His warm hands trail along them, he's dead silent. This scares me more than him yelling. "Who did this to you." It's not a question. He's demanding that I tell him.

"Bala-Tik. I made a mistake, he gave me 15 lashes." Hux goes silent again, he places his palm flat against my back.

"If he weren't already dead, I'd give him a slow and painful death." I turn back around and take his face in both my hands. Pain fills his eyes. "If anyone ever hurts you ever again, they will not be breathing for much longer." He pulls me tightly against him, I curl up in his arms.

"Can I ask you a question?" He rests his chin on top of my head.


"What's your first name?" I hear him chuckle, feel his chest bounce against me.

"My name is Armitage." I smile.

"I like it. Armitage Hux, sounds powerful." He grins at me.

"I try, darling." I laugh and kiss him again.

The moment we step out of the room, the look that strikes fear in the heart of our stormtroopers returns to our faces. Hux keeps his hand on the small of my back as we walk to the command room. A small act of affection to go along with his rock-hard expression.

"General, Major, we're coming up on the Supremacy." An officer says.

"Good. Notify them that we're on approach." Hux says. I look out the window to spot the largest ship I've ever seen. Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room is heavily guarded within the ship in front of us.

When Hux and I board the Supremacy, we're immediately taken to the command bridge. This one is incredibly more advanced then our last one. When we walk in, everyone in the room stands at attention.

"Back to work." Hux says. Everyone returns to their duties. I look out at the never ending void of stars outside the ship. An officer walks up behind us.

"Major Vox. Supreme Leader Snoke wants to speak with you." He says. I look over at Hux, he nods. I've only ever spoke with the Supreme Leader over a hologram, I've never seen him face to face. I walk to the elevator that leads to the throne room and step inside.

I take the few moments I have in the elevator to think about my conversation with Hux. Does he truly mean what he says? Does he truly feel a connection? The amount of passion I feel for him, the electric shock I feel at his touch. I've never experienced anything like this before. Not even with Poe. I don't have anymore time to consider any of it.

The elevator door slides open and the red glow of the throne room greets me.

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