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Hux hands me my new officer uniform. I get changed and look in the mirror. I've since gotten showered and fixed my face to look more appealing. My blonde hair is slicked back into a tight bun, the teal insignia of a Major is stitched into my uniform. Not as powerful as a General or an Admiral, but one below them. I stare back at the groomed First Order officer looking back at me from the mirror and smile.

I walk outside to see Hux. His eyes widen for a moment at the sight of me, almost as if it's attraction. He then studies every inch of my uniform, making sure everything is in place.

"Follow me. Keep your hands clasped behind your back as we walk." Hux tells me. I do as he says as we journey down the long hallway. "You will work by my side from here on out. If anyone says anything about your sudden switch of sides, you send them to me. We'll have them straightened out." Pride swells within me when he speaks of such confidence in his new Major. We arrive at the high tech command room, Kylo Ren stands at the front. He turns around as we approach him.

"Major Vox. I trust you will be serving the First Order with complete devotion. Betrayal is not tolerated here." Kylo says, staring at me through his mask.

"She will not be betraying us, Ren. Head back to the interrogation room, you have a girl to be getting answers from." Hux says. I stare at him as he defends me. Kylo walks out a door and down the hall, Hux and I walk to the front of the room. "From here, we both control the entire fleet. Any order you or I give, they must obey." I look around at the amount of power at my command. Power I only dreamt of having.

After a long time of Hux explaining everything to me, another officer walks up to us. We turn to face him.

"General Hux, Supreme Leader Snoke has requested to meet with you." The officer says. Hux looks over at me.

"Do what you wish. I will return soon." Hux says and hurries away. I decide to walk towards the interrogation rooms, I would like to speak with this girl. If Kylo is trying to get the map from her and failed, I could try.

When I arrive, there's the sound of metal being sliced and clanging to the floor. I round the corner to see Kylo destroying the interrogation room. The girl must have got away. He looks over at me as I stand silently in the doorway.

"What did she look like?" I ask him. He rushes to me and hovers his hand beside my face.

"This." He says, putting an image of her in my head with the Force. "Now find her." I nod and hurry down the hall. I walk around the corner and slip my blaster out of it's holster. There's a noise in the hall beside me, like someone rushing away. I backtrack and head down that hall. Just as I reach the end of it, I see a flash of brown hair and scavenger garb disappears around the corner.

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