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It's been a few weeks, scars now litter my body. I wander around the base as other rebels run past in a hurry. I reach certain rooms and chambers that I didn't even know existed. There's one room, it calls my name. I don't know why, but I feel strangely drawn to it. Like there's something behind the heavy metal door that I need to see. Before I can enter a code and push open the door, General Organa grabs my hand.

"Eira. There's a battle on Takodana. Everyone needs your help. Head to a ship immediately." She tells me. I glance back at the door, considering disobeying orders and entering the room. Instead, I nod at the General and run to meet Poe.

"Eira! You ready to go?" He asks me. I smile at him.

"Ready as ever." I say. We climb into his ship and head to Nymeve Lake.

There's a firefight going on when we arrive. Maz's Castle is under attack, First Order ships fly through the sky. Poe flies along the ground, I quickly jump out and run into the action.

Stormtroopers surround Han Solo, Chewbacca, and a man I've never seen before. I silently sneak up to a large boulder and scale it to the top. I pull the rifle from my back and scope in. One by one, my shots dig into the skulls of the Stormtroopers. They each fall to the ground with a satisfying thud. I gracefully slide down the side of the boulder and run to Han.

"Get yourself on a ship, would you?" I say, tossing Han his gun. He catches it and grins at me.

"Yes ma'am." Han says, giving me a quick salute. The man I've never seen looks at me in panicked confusion.

"Who are you?!" He asks.

"My name's Eira. I'm with the Resistance. Who're you?" I ask. He smiles at the revelation that a Resistance soldier stands before him.

"I'm Finn!" I smile at him.

"Good to meet you, Finn. Now head to a ship, we'll handle it from here." The three of them turn and run, I walk further into the fight.

I manage to run into Captain Phasma in her gleaming silver armor. I shoot at her with my blaster, it rips through the arm of her armor. She turns and starts firing at me.

"Eira. You're wanted by my people, you won't be leaving this planet." She says. I smile and fire at her again. She dodges it. We do this for ages until she manages to injure my leg. I cry out and fall to my knees. She takes the opportunity to advance on me and land a punch across my face. I fall over to the side and look up at her through blurred vision. I spit blood on the charred soil and grin.

"Do your worst." I say. She kicks me in the face and I black out.

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