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I sit silently next to Kylo as we fly back to the Star Destroyer. My mind races, was that woman telling the truth? I have read about Sith Monks, they are compelled to tell the truth. Many times, they cannot do anything but that, lies are punished within their practice. We arrive moments later at the Destroyer, Armitage meets me in the hangar bay.

"Did you find anything?" He asks me. I study his face for a moment.

"I found-" I start to say, when an officer comes running to us.

"General, Grand Admiral, there's been an update on the rebels location." The officer says. I nod and follow him to the control room. "Their ship was traced back to the planet of Kijimi. We believe they are looking for a droidsmith."

"I'll go there with Ren and his Knights and be sure nothing goes wrong. I cannot trust that boy to do anything on his own anymore." I say. Armitage follows me back to my quarters, where I pick up my communicator.

"What is it you were going to tell me, back on the hangar bay?" He asks, watching me carefully. I pause for a moment, then shake my head.

"It is a lot to tell you in such a short amount of time. When I return, I will tell you everything." I walk to him and place a kiss on his cheek, pulling back to look in his eyes. He gently rubs my cheek with his thumb and smiles.

"Do you know that I'm in love with you?" A smile grows on my face, this is the first time he has ever actually said the word.

"And I love you even more, my General." He shakes his head.

"Definitely not possible." He presses his forehead to mine for a moment, then kisses me. "I will see you when you get back, my love. Do not take too long." He wraps his arms tightly around me for a moment, then disappears down the hall.


Blasters fire all around me, the people of Kijimi scream and run across the streets. I look down every alley way and have my men enter every household we pass, making sure the rebels are not hiding within their walls.

"Did you find them yet? It's been hours. Are we sure they're still even here?" I ask Kylo through my comms. There's a few moments of silence, and then he answers.

"I've just seen the girl, they're on our ship. I'm heading back now." He tells me.

"I'll stay here for a moment and make sure they didn't leave anything behind." My men and I burst into the home of a tiny droidsmith. "You must be the one who helped him." The creature speaks in gibberish on the counter, swinging his screwdriver around. "Arrest him, we need to find out what he knows. Let's head back."

We board our transport ship and begin the flight back to the Star Destroyer. I stare out the window, lost in thought about what the Monk told me. How is this even possible? The only Jedi I had ever been told of betraying the Jedi way and having a child was Anakin Skywalker, I have never been told that Master Kenobi did the same.

Suddenly, searing pain rips through my abdomen. I cry out and fall to my knees, but I'm no longer in the ship. A ghostly version of myself stands within the control room of my Star Destroyer, watching as Armitage falls to the ground unmoving, a blaster wound in his stomach.

"I've just found our rat." I hear Pryde say. With horror in my eyes, I run to Armitage and hold his face in my hands.

"No no no no..." I mutter, brushing the hair from his eyes. It appears that no one can even see me as the tears begin to flow down my cheeks. Then, there's a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see the spirit of my love standing above me. "Armitage?"

"You need to go, my love. You cannot return here." He tells me. I quickly stand and hug him tightly, he runs his fingers through my hair one last time. "I will forever love you, my dear." I open my eyes to see the inside of my transport ship. I look up and scream as the pain of losing my soulmate takes over. The ship begins to jerk, the metal cracking and breaking. Then, the ship bursts, sending my men and I flying out into space.

This time, no fear comes, no terror of entrapment in open space. I almost feel comfort as the emptiness of space wraps around me. Just before my eyes close and I succumb to unconsciousness, I see the bright light of the Millennium Falcon flying closer.

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