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I convince Armitage to let me walk. I link my arm in his and lean on him as we journey back to the command bridge. When we enter the command bridge of our Star Destroyer, every officer in the room stands at attention. We walk to the front and turn to face him.

"Admiral Vox has returned." Hux announces. At the same moment, they all salute me. I look around at them and nod.

"They may have taken out one of our Dreadnoughts, but the Resistance is still no match for us. We will kill every last one of them." The room erupts in cheers of agreement.

"Admiral, General, we're coming up on them now." An officer says. Hux wraps an arm around my waist and leads me to the officer.

"We've been tracking the remaining Resistance ships through lightspeed, looks like we just found them." Hux tells me. I look out the window to see our fleet, including the Supremacy, appear behind the Resistance ships. I walk closer with my hands clasped behind my back and smile as we approach. "They will be dead within the week, we will control every major system. The people's faith in the Resistance will be no more."


"Admiral Vox, welcome back. I have a mission for you that will prove one thing to me." Snoke says as I walk toward him.

"Yes Supreme Leader?" I ask. He grins at me.

"A few Resistance soldiers are going to be searching for a master code breaker. There's only one they will look for. He's in a casino of Canto Bight. I want you to find him, make a deal with him, and then come back to me. If you complete this with success, it will prove that you are ready to receive a promotion. You will become Grand Admiral of the First Order. You will be the commanding officer on the Supremacy. Do well to complete your mission. You may bring your General if need be." I quickly return to Hux to share the news with him.

"I need to speak with you." I tell him as I walk in.

"What-" He starts, but I cut him off.

"Come on." I grab his hand and drag him with me to my room. We sit down on my bed, he places his hand on my knee.

"What is it?"

"Snoke gave me a mission. He said I could bring you if I wish. I am to speak with the code breaker on Canto Bight and convince him to betray the Resistance soldiers meeting with him tonight." Hux studies my face.

"That sounds easy enough. What's your reward?"

"I will receive a promotion. He informed me that I will be named Grand Admiral of the First Order. I will be the commanding officer of the Supremacy." Shock pours over his face, but then pride replaces it.

"Eira! That's amazing!" I let out a breath of relief and smile at him. "Come on, we need to get ready to leave. This is going to be one of the most important missions of your life." We start to pack up some thing, I fix myself in the mirror. "Do you know what the most important mission of my life was?"

"What was it?" He grins at me and comes to wrap his arms around me from behind.

"When I had to convince you to join us. I wanted so badly for you to be apart of this empire. I wanted to build it all with you." His head rests on my shoulder, I place my hand on his cheek.

"And we will build an empire. But for now, we have to go to Canto Bight."

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