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"Major Eira Vox. Come to me." Snoke says. I walk closer to his throne room with my hands clasped behind my back.

"Supreme Leader Snoke." I say as I get closer.

"I wanted to ask you about your adjustment to this side of the battle. Have you had second thoughts?" I shake my head.

"No sir. Not one." He nods and stares at me.

"There is something within you, Eira. Something powerful. I can sense it. The First Order can help you unlock that power, the Resistance never could. I will request you to return to me in a few days. Be ready. Head back to your General, both of you are being sent to a Star Destroyer that will accompany a Dreadnought. Once you reach D'Qar, you will take down the Resistance base." I spin on my heel and walk back to the elevator. "And Major," I turn to look at him. "Keep that boy, Kylo, in check." I nod and ride the elevator down.


I feel the Star Destroyer lurch out of lightspeed as I approach the command bridge. Hux stands at the front, it looks as if he's listening to a comm.

"...of the Republic fleet, I have an urgent communique for General Hux." I hear the person say. I know that voice, I would never forget it. Hatred boils up within me. Hux looks over at me as I approach.

"Eira-" Hux starts, I put up my hand to silence him.

"Patch him through." I say. I look over at Hux, he looks at me in confusion and disbelief but speaks up.

"This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms... there will be no surrender." Hux says.

"Hi, I'm holding for General Hux." Poe says. I raise my eyebrows at Poe's response.

"This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed! We will wipe your filth from the galaxy."

"Okay, I'll hold."


"Hello? Yep I'm still here." Dameron's arrogance is starting to get on my last nerve.

"Can you- can he hear me?"


"He can?"

"With an 'H'? Skinny guy. Kinda pasty?" Hux places a calming hand on my forearm.

"I can hear you. Can you hear me?"

"Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him... Tell him Leia has an urgent message for him."

"I believe he's tooling with you, sir." The officer sitting beside where we stand says.

"About his mother." Poe finishes. With that, I stop holding my tongue. I slam my hand flat on the panel and lean towards the mic.

"This is Major Vox of the First Order. You will not disrespect our General or else you will be shot down. Do your best to escape our cannons, you will not make it far." I say with acid in my voice.

"Eira? Is that you? You're working with Hux now? Come on, you can do better." Poe says. Pure hatred builds up within me. I turn to face Hux.

"Open fire. I'm going after him myself." I say and start to walk away. Hux catches my wrist, I turn to him with furious eyes.

"Eira, maybe you should take a moment to cool off and rethink things." He says. I study his eyes for a moment, then pull my wrist from his grip.

"I'm going. My family's killer will be dead, I though that's what you wanted me to accomplish too." With that, I walk out the door and to the hangar.

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