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"Eira?" I hear a voice say. My eyes flutter open to see the battle of Exegol raging on above me. The commanding Star Destroyer begins to crash to the ground, the bridge exploding and in flames. My eyes flick around in and effort to try and understand what is happening. "Look at me, my dear." A hand touches my back, helping me to sit up. I glance down at myself, my skin appears translucent. I lift my hand in front of my face to study them. They're the lightest shade of blue, almost ethereal. Then, my mind finally comprehends the voice speaking to me. I whip my head to my right.

"Armitage." I breathe, the biggest smile to ever cross my face begins to form. I throw myself on him, almost knocking him on the ground in the process. He looks just the same as me, just as ghostly.

"Hello my love." He takes my face in his hand and smiles. "Oh how I missed you." He quickly presses his lips to mine, then begins to kiss all over my face.

"I dreamt of the day we would be truly reunited, and it is even more than I ever hoped for." He takes me into his arms and holds me there.

"Love, you saved the galaxy. You saved everyone. You will be a legend across every planet, a hero." I pull back to look at him and grin.

"Did you ever think you would see the day that I became a hero to the galaxy?" He chuckles and then stands up, pulling me to my feet with him. "Where are we? What are we?"

"Force ghosts, my dear. Those who are force sensitive never truly go away. And you, love, have just joined all the Jedi before you in guiding the next generation." He motions to the group of Jedi behind me. They all smile then nod, slowly turning around and walking away to disappear. I turn back to face Armitage.

"I love you, Armitage." He smiles and places a hand on my check.

"And I love you, for all of eternity."

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