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"Eira, darling, maybe it's time you take a break." Armitage says from behind me. I deactivate the red lightsaber in my hand as the last of the practice droids fall to the ground in pieces. "I think you got them all." He smiles at me. He holds a cup of tea in his hand and gestures to it. I walk to him and take a sip.

"This is becoming easy, Armitage. I'm having hardly any trouble." I tell him. He wraps an arm around my waist and we start to walk towards the door.

"Well that's a good thing, isn't it?" Suddenly, the door in front of us swings open to reveal Ren holding his mask.

"I found the wayfinder." Ren says, holding it up for me to see. "There could be something there to unlock the power within you." I look over at Armitage then back at Ren.

"Even though I hate to admit it, he may be right." Armitage tells me. I consider my options for a moment. 

"Alright. I'll go with you, let me get changed." I tell him, walking quickly to my room. I change out of my training robes and into my officer uniform, slicking my hair back neatly

Kylo waits for me next to a TIE fighter, the wayfinder hooked into the back. We both climb into the ship and Ren lifts off.

"Where are we going?" I ask him. He flips a few switches and then jumps into hyperspace.

"It's called Exegol. It is the secret world of the Sith." Kylo tells me.

"Is there even anything left there? The Sith have been dead for decades." He looks over at me.

"If there was nothing left, I don't think this wayfinder would be taking us there." We lurch out of hyperspace to reveal a glowing red asteroid field. Ren quickly begins to navigate through it until we reach the other side unscathed. The clouds in front of us disappear to reveal a temple in the middle of an ocean. "It must be there." We land and Ren climbs out the top, offering me his hand. I take it and jump down onto the surface. We both ignite our sabers, offering little light to the dark planet around us.

Inside the temple are massive statues of the fallen Sith Lords. Once both of us step onto the platform in the middle of the road, it begins to float down to a lower level. Kylo begins to walk forward, but I begin hear a distant voice call out to me.

"You head that way, I'm gonna go over here." I tell Ren. He continues on his path as I journey between the statues.

"This way, Eira." The voice calls out. I follow it until I reach a dark spot behind one of the statues. A hand reaches out and pulls me into the darkness with it. I raise my saber to reveal a woman, a dark hood covering most of her face. She pulls it down to reveal the markings of a Sith.

"Who are you?" I ask her, taking a step back.

"That, you do not need to know. You have come here in search of answers about your past. But, here you will not find it. You do not belong here, child." She tells me, watching me very carefully. I shake my head.

"What do you mean?" She reveals a marking on her wrist.

"This is the mark of a Sith Monk. I am not a warrior like that great Lords who surpass me, but my duty is to reveal truth. And if I did not call out to you, I would have forsaken the knowledge I have been granted." She pulls the saber out of my hand with the force. "This color does not suit you, girl, for you are not born of the darkness. You, Eira, are a Kenobi. Descendant of the great Jedi Master. You are not, and never will be, a Sith. The yellow flooded your eyes before because you let fury overcome you. But you have power beyond anything I have ever seen, you just do not know how to control it. Anger is easy to listen to, but not always the right thing to let take over. You have fallen down the wrong path, young one. You need to right your wrongs before they get you killed. Now go." She hands me back the saber and disappears into the darkness.

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