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I try to search for a way out, there's none. They put me in the single most inescapable cell in their base. Even if there was a way out, it would be pointless. This place is crawling with Stormtroopers, I wouldn't make it 2 feet without being gunned down.

I stare at the door for hours, simply waiting the return of General Hux. Finally, the door opens and the orange haired general makes his way in.

"Welcome back General. Missed you so much while you were gone." I say, smiling. He stares at me, his face rock-hard and emotionless.

"I hope you took some time to think about what I said before I left. Now tell me, what did the Death Gang want with you?" He asks. I take a moment to consider my options. Hux is right about one thing, he's been treating me much better than most prisoners in Starkiller Base. But this all could be a set up, a trap. Something tells me that it isn't. That I should trust the man in front of me.

"They wanted the same thing you do. The map to Luke Skywalker. Except I don't have it. Only the most trusted people in the Resistance know what it even looks like." I tell him. He tilts his head.

"You're not one of them?" I shake my head.

"Apparently not. Though I've never quite understood why. I've been with the Resistance as long as Poe Dameron, I try not to think too much into it." He bends down to my level and studies my eyes.

"You should think about it. Thank you for cooperating. You will be rewarded." Hux walks out the door and comes back with a tray of food. He drops it on the floor in front of me and walks out.


Hux comes back a few more times. I answer his questions, he rewards me. I've even been giving a bed, something that many prisoners would dream of. The reason Hux treats me with kindness compared to the rest of the prisoners bewilders me. I can hear their screams of pain through the walls, yet he's never hurt me.

Today Hux comes in while I sit on my bed. He unlocks my cuffs from the chain without a word. I stare at him as he does so.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"You're seeing the Supreme Leader today. I expect you to cooperate with him as you have with me." He say, pulling me to my feet. "I'm taking these off for a moment so you may change into more presentable clothing. Do not betray me and try to attack. The mercy I have shown will quickly be revoked if you do so." When Hux turns to face away from me, I slip on the First Order officer uniform. When I finish, Hux locks the cuffs around my wrists once more.

Hux keeps his hand firmly on my forearm as we walk. Though he tries to look threatening as we march through the halls, his touch is gentle. I try not to focus on the electricity swirling on my skin under his hand. Does he feel it to? Does it confuse him as much as it does to me? I don't have time to think about it, we've reached the room where I will speak with Supreme Leader Snoke.

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