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Eira's POV

I very slowly open my eyes against the blinding white light. The room around me is empty, I lay in a bed within the infirmary on the Supremacy. I sit up and look over the bandages scattered around my skin. I pull the tubes out of my nose and take a deep breath in. My chest burns with pain, my legs feel like I can't even walk. The door to my room opens, a nurse looks at me in surprise.

"Major Vox, you're awake. I'll alert General Hux, he'll be pleased to hear. I just need to check your wounds." She says. I nod and allow her to take the bandages off and examine my skin. "It looks like they're healing fine. I advise you not to walk for a few days. While you're here, I would like to ask you how the scars on your back are feeling? Wounds like that should not be overlooked."

"They're feeling alright. I believe it's just phantom pain when I relive the memory." I tell her. She nods.

"I'll go speak with the General." She walks out of the room and I lean back in my bed. The last thing I remember is being thrown from my ship and flying into empty space. How did I end up here? I should be dead, right? The door flies open and Armitage appears in the doorway.

"Eira.." He breathes and runs toward me. He collapses on my bed and pulls me tightly in his arms.

"Armitage." I say. He pulls back to see my face, taking my cold hands in his warm ones.

"I haven't been able to focus on anything but you the entire time you've been here. I saw you thrown from the ship, the fear I felt in that moment was unbearable." I tilt my head and stare at him.

"I could sense your fear. I don't know how, but I could feel it. How did I get back? I felt myself stop breathing. I should be dead." He shakes his head.

"I came and got you. I brought medical staff, got on ship, and jumped out to get you. We didn't stop until you were breathing again." I take his face in my hands.

"You came after me?" When he nods, I press my lips against his. His kiss is full of hunger and longing. Like he's been waiting a lifetime to kiss me again. We pull apart and he gazes at me.

"The Supreme Leader wanted to speak with you the moment you wake up." I nod and a wheelchair is brought in. Armitage helps me put on my uniform and pull my hair into a tight bun. I climb into the wheelchair and begins he pushes me towards the throne room. We board the elevator and ride it to Snoke.

The Supreme Leader stares at me as we get closer.

"Major Vox. I'm happy you've woken up." Snoke says.

"Thank you, Supreme Leader." I say.

"Due to your confidence when going after Commander Dameron and your determination to go after the Resistance, you are receiving a promotion. You will now be known as Admiral Vox of the First Order." Hux comes walks around and reveals a smile only to me. He bends down to one knee and changes the insignia on my uniform from the teal of a Major to the gray and red of an Admiral.

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