Chapter 3

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Having checkups are normal I have one every month, but this is the second one this month. Right now my mom is in the room talking to my doctor, and of course I can't hear it. I decided to not even wear them since they weren't working.

As I was looking down a noticed a pair of shadows grow over me and two pairs of shoes near me. I looked up with a small smile at my mom and my doctor.

"G-good mo-mor-morning Dr. Ri-Riggs." I get up and bow with my greeting. He turns to my mom and says something I don't catch but I assume it is about my stutter. It has gotten worse.

My world is quiet and blank as I walk through the hospital halls following Dr. Riggs and my mother. Not hearing the beeping of heart monitors, the nurses talking to their patients, the carts rolling through the halls with us. It makes me feel alone, even though I already am. I hate not being able to hear anything.

We reach a room and I quickly look at the room tag.


So it's that type of checkup. That is why it is an emergency. They are going to take scans on my brain. We normally only take scans every six months to see it, but it seems urgent. Maybe with these they can help get hearing aids that will work this time. I want them to ignore my stutter because there really isn't anything you can do about it. We haven't even asked if surgery was an option.

Once we were in the room, Dr. Riggs asked me to lay on the bed that goes into the machine. While this was happening my mom sat in the control room where the photos are taken with a scared face. It was easy to read her. She has become an open book lately due to the fact that it was getting worse.

We spent about 3 hours at the hospital, most of that time was spent me sitting in the waiting room bored out of my mind while my mom and Dr. Riggs spoke. She came out with puffy eyes which means she was crying.

My mom poked my shoulder. "Honey, your doctor was able to get you an appointment with your hearing doctor. That's where we are going now." I just looked at her. My face was covered with pure confusion. I'm guessing that was clear since-

"Jeongguk, we are going to-"

"M-mom, I-I kno-know what you sa-said."

"Oh, okay. Well, Dr. Riggs said they might not be able to get something strong enough, but i am keeping my hopes up!" She can be so enthusiastic about something that has no chance of happening. While she was driving I just stared outside looking at the scenery passing by.

I have 3 different doctors; my hearing, brain, and speech. Even though the only one that is efficient is my neurologist, I still have to go to all of them. After my eventful meeting with Dr. Steffin, I was actually about to get hearing aids. She told me that they won't last very long because of my condition worsening. Although I don't know how it is worsening or it's percentage I am kind of in the dark about 'my condition.'

"Jeongguk, go wash up for dinner."

"Ye-yes Maam."

After a nice shower, I am back downstairs setting the table. Even if it is just the two of us, we still sit our too large for two dinner table. My mom has to have quite a good job to be able to pay for all of my expenses.

"I need to talk to you about something. Well everything." She sat down after putting the food on the table. She looked to me with a serious expression. I just nodded.

"I have a meeting with your school Monday, and you will be present for said meeting. Also, Dr. Riggs was talking to me while you were sitting in the waiting room." She paused and looked down. She looked back up with tears in her eyes. "Baby, he gave you a prognosis."

"A-a w-what? A-am I Dy-dying? Re-really?" I just stared at her in shock. I couldn't believe it. I was given an expected time limit now. Dr. Riggs thought I was going to die soon. I have to finish high school, got to college! I can't die now!

"I tried asking him if s-surgery was an option but he said they don't have the technology available for something this serious." She was choking on her own sobs.

"Jeongguk, the tumor is taking up more than half of your brain. It's slowly killing you."

I'm sorry I threw this at y'all!!
I hated writing this. But don't worry! once we get Taehyung in here, y'all start getting fluff!

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