Chapter 14

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The two boys sat in Taehyung's car jamming to 'Bang Bang Bang' by BIGBANG- both were screaming the lyrics and laughing at each other.

"Jeongguk, you don't stutter when you sing. Did you know that?" Taehyung questioned. It surprised him that the younger didn't stutter when he sang.

"Y-yeah. Th-that's why I like t-to sing." The boy said looking at his fidgeting hands. Taehyung grabbed his hand and held it on the console to keep him from fidgeting.

"Stop fidgeting- your voice is beautiful, Kook."

"Th-thanks." Jeongguk looked at the scenery outside the window. They soon pulled up into the younger's drive way so he turned to the older.

"D-do you w-want to stay over for a-awhile?" Jeongguk shyly asked.

"Are you actually inviting me over this time?" Taehyung was more than happy but he hid it with a smirk.

"Sh-shut up. Ne-nevermind I didn't a-ask." Jeongguk was about to walk out of the car when he heard the engine shut off.

"Nope. Im hanging out now. I actually got invited to stay over so that's what I'm doing." The boy said getting out of his car and meeting Jeongguk at the door. He patiently waited for the ravenette to unlock the door.

"I-I guess my m-mom isn't h-home."

"So that means- we get the house to ourselves for a while, then." Taehyung looked at the younger smirking.

Jeongguk blushed a scarlet red and looked down. "W-we- no. N-no, Taehyung. I need t-to catch up on sc-school w-work." He tried to mask the blush and pulled Taehyung by the arm up to his room.

"Wait, you're not gonna get anything to eat?"

"'M n-not hungry." The younger continued.

"Well, I am- and it's only appropriate you tend to your guests." Taehyung smiled at the younger. Jeongguk turned around and sighed. He dropped his stuff at his feet and drug Taehyung back downstairs to the kitchen.

"W-what do y-you w-want?"

"Do you have rice cakes? Those are the best." Taehyung gave off his boxy smile. He really loved rice cakes.

"Wha- wh-why would I h-have rice c-cakes? I-I'll look." Jeongguk questioned while rummaging through the cupboards of his kitchen. He was about to give up, but he found them- on the tops shelf. Now Jeongguk was tall- almost 180 cm- but he just wasn't tall enough for the top shelf. He mentally cursed to himself for not being able to reach them. After a few seconds of jumping, he felt a warm presence pushed against his back, and an arm reach above him to grab the rice cakes.

All Jeongguk could do was blush and freeze. He grabbed onto the lip of the counter trying to ignore Taehyung pressing against him and his- his dick pressing against his ass. He swore that Taehyung was just pressing harder against him, but he tried to ignore it.

Soon Taehyung turned him around and pushed him against the counter- the rice cakes becoming a secondary thought to either of the boys. "You know- you have a nice ass, Kook." Taehyung yet again smirked. That damn smirk makes Jeongguk want to faint. It's overwhelming- too much to handle.

Jeongguk tried to look past the blonde- look down- anything to keep him from looking at the older, but Taehyung lifted his chin without any effort and forced Jeongguk to look at him.

Taehyung was beautiful- absolutely stunning. He had a mole right under his right eye, on his nose, and on his bottom lip. His eyes were beautiful. The way his hair laid just right on his head. Everything about him was perfect.

Taehyung moved his hands from Jeongguk's chin to his waist, slowly. Memorizing every curve and divot the younger had. The older moved in closer to Jeongguk- if that was even possible. The ravenette pushed his arms around Taehyung's neck, leaning forward as well.

The blonde rested his forehead against the younger, both their eyes being closed. "Jeongguk?" Taehyung questions.


"Can I kiss you, again?"

Jeongguk didn't give an answer- he initiated the kiss instead. Their lips molding perfectly together like the ocean laps the shore- moving in sync. Taehyung lifted Jeongguk onto the kitchen counter and stood between his legs, running his hands up and down the younger's sides- slowly sliding them under his shirt. Jeongguk gasped into the kiss- feeling Taehyung's rather large, cold hands on his abs.

They pulled away for air only to be pulled back into each other a mere second later. Taehyung murmured a small 'hold on,' as he slid Jeongguk off the counter and around his waist. The said boy wrapped his arms and legs around Taehyung's body and continued kissing him. The blonde made it to a quarter way up the stairs until he had to pull away from Jeongguk saying a soft 'shit, i cant see'- which only received a giggle from Jeongguk.

They giggled all the way up to Jeongguk's room. Taehyung sat the ravenette on the bed and slowly molded their lips back together. He softly pushed Jeongguk onto the bed- placing his knees between the younger's thighs; trapping the ravenette underneath him. Taehyung moved slow kisses to Jeongguk's jaw, then his ear lope dragging his teeth across it- earning a low moan from the younger.

It freaked Jeongguk out- he had never made a noise like that before. And by the way Taehyung let out a low laugh he could tell that the older knew it shocked him.

"Never moaned before?" The older questioned- peppering soft kisses and licks to the younger's neck.

Jeongguk mustered up the only answer he could give him- a low hum in agreement. Taehyung started sucking down Jeongguk's neck- licking and nipping the spot he would suck at. Jeongguk let out low, quiet moans as Taehyung had found his sensitive spot- tilting his head to give him better access. He felt Taehyung smirk against his skin- letting out a low growl. The blonde moved his way back up to Jeongguk's lips- moving up his neck, to his jaw, to his lips. The ravenette instantly responded to the kiss- gasping when Taehyung would bite or lick at his bottom lip. The blonde slipped his tongue into Jeongguk's mouth- turning the kiss into a sloppy one- hands roaming each other's body.

Taehyung soon pulled away from the kiss only to pull their own shirts off. And retreating back to each other in a deep kiss. Taehyung kissed down his neck to his stomach leaving a trail of hickies from his chest to his navel. Jeongguk was a panting mess- he had never been this intimate with someone before. Ever. Even if this wasn't sex- it felt good to him.

Taehyung was starting to unbutton Jeongguk's pants when—

"T-Tae, w-wait. I- we- we a-aren't-" and that's all Jeongguk could manage to say. But the blonde understood pushing himself back up to be even with younger planting a soft, warm kiss to Jeongguk's lips. "Jeongguk- your stutters are even worse when you are flustered. You're so cute." Taehyung moved to lay beside him cuddling him, Jeongguk blushed and nestled into his chest smiling.

"Hey- Kook?"


"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I really hope I didn't rush anything..
My writers block is gone- I also rewrote this chapter about 4 times.
I wasn't happy with the way it started off.
Also, I already have the ending of the book set up~
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