Chapter 16

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Jeongguk and Taehyung were in the car headed to the unknown place as the younger calls it. Taehyung knows exactly where the date is, as he was the one who set it up- but Jeongguk has no idea. He can only assume the worst. But how would a date with Kim Taehyung, his boyfriend, be bad?

It takes around thirty minutes of Taehyung driving and Jeongguk staring out the window to get to their destination.

"Babe," Taehyung calls out. "We're here." When Jeongguk got out the car all, he saw was greenery- trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers, etc. Needless to say, Jeongguk was a little confused. Taehyung could see the confusion on the younger's face and continued.

"You up for a little walk?" Taehyung chuckles, reaching for Jeongguk's hand. The younger obliges, "Sure."

They walk hand in hand looking at their surroundings. The trees closing over head as to make a shield from the sun. The flowers litter everywhere in all sorts of colors and shapes. The bushes vary in multiple different heights and shapes, as well.

While they were walking neither of them spoke a word- just admiring the way everything looked around them. Taehyung had only recently found out about this place and knew he just had to take Jeongguk their immediately.

They walked for about ten minutes until they reached what Taehyung was searching for and Jeongguk stared in awe. It was mesmerizing- there was a small pond in the front of them with flowers and vines surrounding the pond and there were rocks that surrounded the back of the pond. The trees had reopened to a bright sky shining off the clear water.

"I-it's beautiful, T-Tae." Jeongguk finally speaks- realizing he was staring at the place in front of him for way too long. "I found this place around a week ago, and I thought you would enjoy this."

"I d-do. Th-thank you." Jeongguk says giving Taehyung a quick glance before turning back to the beautiful view in front of him. He soon feels two arms wrap around him in an embrace. Taehyung back hugs him and pulls Jeongguk into him giving a soft, lingering kiss on his neck. Jeongguk leans into him and smiles. "This is r-really beautiful. How d-did you f-find th-this place?"

"That remains a secret, my love." The boys stayed there until late night, just cuddling on the grass and looking at the sky. The sounds were more than peaceful and Jeongguk managed to fall asleep after ten minutes of laying on the ground. Taehyung remained awake while running his fingers through Jeongguk's soft raven hair.

It was around three am when Taehyung decided it would be a good idea to head back to Jeongguk's house. He had spent that entire time just looking at what made him happiest- Jeon Jeongguk.

"Babe, wake up. We need to head back to your house- it's like three in the morning." Taehyung says softly while shaking his boyfriend awake. Jeongguk being the soft sleeper he is wakes up easily.

"Hmm. 'M up. Taehyung wh-why did y-you le-let me sleep this l-long?" Jeongguk says in a deep, raspy voice because of waking up from his slumber. Taehyung loved his voice when he wakes up- he couldn't get enough of it.

"You just looked so peaceful. I had to let you sleep." Taehyung answers simply. The younger just smiles and nods. "Di-did you get a-any sl-sleep?"

"No, but I'm not worried about it." The older replies. They start walking back to the car but get stopped halfway when Jeongguk tugs on the Taehyung's sleeve. "C-can you c-carry me on y-your b-back? 'M st-still sleepy." Taehyung can only comply- the way Jeongguk is looking at him is more than adorable. Jeongguk gets on Taehyung's back and rests his head in the crook of his neck- immediately falling back asleep. Taehyung only smiles.

They finally get to the car and Taehyung gently puts the asleep Jeongguk in the car and buckles him up. He shuts the door and walks around to his side of the car doing the same and starting the engine. Jeongguk cuddled into the door to try to get comfy again once they started moving.

Taehyung kept looking over at the sleeping beauty before him admiring his features. He loved Jeongguk, even though had only been together for a day or so. He truly felt as though he loved the other, though he might not be in love, yet.

After the thirty minute drive they arrived at Jeongguk's- all the lights being off so Taehyung assumed him mom was asleep. Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's school bag and put the ravenette on his back- Jeongguk reacting by wrapping his arms and legs around the blonde. Taehyung locked his car and walked to the door unlocking it and stepping inside. He almost made it to the stairs until he heard footsteps in the kitchen.

"Jeongguk? Is that you?" Ms. Jeon calls out. She sounded like she had recently woken up.

"It's Taehyung and Jeongguk, ma'am," the boy says.

"Ahh okay. Why were y'all out so late?"

"I took him on a date to a place that is really pretty- about thirty minutes out. We laid on the ground and he eventually fell asleep. I didn't want to wake him but I had to at some point." Taehyung says in one breath- breathing in deeply after he finished his sentence.

Ms. Jeon chuckles, "That's fine. As long as you were both safe. Now get some sleep. I'll see you both in the morning and I will make breakfast if y'all want it."

"Thank you, Ms. Jeon." Taehyung says somehow bowing with Jeongguk on his back. He continues up the stairs to Jeongguk's room, setting him on the bed. He decided to wake him up to change him so it would be easier on him.

"Jeongguk, babe. Wake up. We need to get you changed." Taehyung coos softly.

"Mhmm. Jus' m-my b-boxshurs." Jeongguk slurs barely awake and Taehyung chuckles.

"Well you gotta help me out some, Kooks."

"Mhmm" Jeongguk mumbles while raising his arms above his head. Taehyung took off the boys shirt, resisting the urge to kiss his smooth skin. Getting Jeongguk's pants off was another story. He was wearing skinny jeans so it took a lot of tugging. Taehyung had to resist the urge so much.

Once he finished undressing Jeongguk down to his boxers, he undressed himself and laid under the covers with his boyfriend. Jeongguk immediately cuddling into Taehyung, resting his head on the blondes chest.

"Goodnight, Kook."

"Mm. N-night, Tae."

So. Much. Fluff.
Aish, I honestly don't really like this chapter though. :(
I feel like it doesn't make since..
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I purple y'all!

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