Chapter 20

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School was something Jeongguk hadn't been to in two weeks. He just couldn't- more like wasn't able too. So when he finally arrived at school he was tackled, literally tackled by none other than Park Jimin himself.

"Yah!! JEON JEONGGUK! You have some explaining to do mister!" Jimin yelled while tackling Jeongguk. Taehyung stood there laughing at the scene.

"W-well, uhh. I ki-kinda couldn't co-come to school." Jeongguk nervously laughed. Jimin got up and pulled Jeongguk up with him, eyeing him.

Jimin noticed it now- he had lost weight. He looked awful. His face was sunken in and his body was covered in jeans and a baggy sweatshirt- and it was 80° (26°) outside. There wasn't a need for a sweatshirt.

Jeongguk noticed Jimin scanning him and looked at Taehyung, who noticed his gaze as well.

"So! Jimin! What have we missed?" Taehyung stepped in front of Jeongguk wrapping an arm around Jimin and walking down the hall to who knows where.

"Oh, uh. Not much. Just stupid class work and lectures. It's all simple though. We can hang out later if y'all need help with anything." Jimin smiles pulling away from the younger and looking at Jeongguk.

"Sound good, Jk?"

"O-oh. Yeah, we-we can m-meet at m-my place la-later." Jeongguk says walking to be beside Taehyung.

Jimin smiles at the two and they part ways until their shared classes. Jeongguk and Taehyung walking to the youngest's locker. Taehyung didn't want what happened last time to happen again so he swore to Jeongguk he would protect him at all times.

When each of the boys got what they needed they headed to class, with no disturbances. They received a couple of stares from other classmates as they were walking to their shared desk though, which they ignored.

Lunch was very interesting. Of course Taehyung and Jeongguk walked hand in hand to their normal table with all their friends. Jimin awaited them, the others not aware of their presence at school today.

"Look who showed up!" Hoseok said when the two sat down.

"Yep. We're here today." Taehyung replied. Jeongguk didn't have much on his tray, as to hopefully not throw up. He hoped no one would notice, but of course he doesn't get that wish.

"Kookie, why aren't you eating much? You normally a whole tray full." Jin asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Ah, w-well uh I k-kinda ha-haven't been hungry la-lately?" Jeongguk replied in more of a question. Jeongguk saw the glances the boys were giving him while conversating on their own. All of them were concerning looks- he did loose eight pounds after all.

"Jeongguk, how are you doing in your classes right now? Still need me to come over? Same with you Tae." Jimin says closer to lunch being over.

"I-in the middle. I-I understand s-some of it, b-but I'm co-confused as w-well," Jeongguk says.

"Alright, well I'll follow y'all to your house after school and we can go over the things y'all don't understand there." Jimin says getting up to throw his stuff away. "Right now, me and Yoongi have a class to get too." And Yoongi just gives him a smirk.

"Alright, ew. TMI Jimin." Namjoon speaks up. "Well, we better get to class since lunch is over in five."

"Yeah. I'll see you guys later." Hoseok says standing up to leave the cafeteria. Namjoon and Jin leave as well, saying there 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters.'

Jeongguk hadn't finished his food and Taehyung noticed, "Baby, you didn't finish."

"I tri-tried. I'm re-really not hun-hungry." Jeongguk says looking at his boyfriend with sad eyes.

"Alright, Kook. Let's get to class."

School was over finally. Jeongguk and Taehyung went to the his car, and Jimin went to his car. The ride was silent, but comfortable.

When they arrived home, Jeongguk's mom was there- which was surprising because she normally wasn't home when he got home. But he was happy so it didn't matter.

They met at the door and Jeongguk unlocked it, greeting his mom as he walked in.

"Hi E-Eomma!" Jeongguk says walking into the living room, Taehyung and Jimin behind him.

"Hey hun, Taehyung, annd?" Ms. Jeon questions when her eyes land on Jimin.

"Park Jimin, Jeongguk's friend. It's a pleasure to meet you." Jimin bows, introducing himself.

"Ah don't be so formal. Go on up to Jeongguk's room, I'll bring snacks if you want 'em." Ms. Jeon shoos them off.

"Th-thank y-you, eomma." Jeongguk shouts while going up the stairs.

The boys go into his room, the couple finds their way on the bed while Jimin finds his seat on the desk chair.

"Alright sooo?" Jimin questions looking around the room.

"Ah, r-right. Cl-classwork." Jeongguk says getting up and sitting on the ground. "Le-let's get this o-over with."

Taehyung lets out a small laugh at his boyfriend and his cut behavior and sits beside him, Jimin following suit.

"What subject," the oldest asks.

"Math. I'm sh-shitty at m-math. I-I never un-understand it." Jeongguk laughs after admitting his fault.

The pull their assignments out and start working. Jimin explained everything they needed to know and helped them as well.

They were going over their assignments while laughing over stupid stuff which made them take longer than needed.

Once they finished, Jimin hung out with the couple without being a third wheel. Taehyung and Jeongguk were able to keep to themselves for the most part.

They sometimes shared a kiss or cuddled, but apart from that- they were appropriate. When they looked at the time for the first time since they had been there, it was already seven thirty.

"I'm gonna head out. It's getting late and my parents like to worry and assume the worst." Jimin said while collecting his stuff.

"Alright. We'll see you at school then." Taehyung said.

"Yeah. S-see you! B-be careful, Ji-Jimin." Jeongguk said after.

Once Jimin left Taehyung turned to Jeongguk on the bed and planted a long passionate kiss on Jeongguk's soft lips. It wasn't a hungry kiss, just full of love and affection.

They pulled away when they were out if breath and Taehyung spoke up, "I have wanted to do that since forever."

Jeongguk giggled, "S-Silly. Y-You kissed me j-just y-yesterday."

"Oh yeah. Forgot." Taehyung said, winking at the younger.

"Y-you're such a-a fl-flirt."

Another update? Yesss
I have to go on hiatus for two weeks coming Monday, I'll explain in a separate chapter Sunday night.
Hoping to get another chapter or two out before then, though.
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