Chapter 23

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Quadruple update.. read previous chapters

This is the climax of the book. And I have had this prewritten since almost the start of the book. So I had to work my way into this. Enjoy.

Today was the day of Jeongguk's long awaited check up. Its been a little over 4 months since they had the MRI scan and he found out about his prognosis.

Jeongguk woke up the same time as Taehyung and they got ready together, but for different reasons. Once they were getting ready to leave Taehyung placed a kiss on Jeongguk's lips and they parted ways.

Being in the car made him think. He couldn't tell he was dying- it didn't feel any different. He was honestly scared to go to sleep at some point; he was scared he wouldn't wake up.

Taehyung had knew about this appointment and understood he shouldn't come. Jeongguk hated that but he didn't know what information he would be told.

Taehyung still has yet to know that Jeongguk is dying. He doesn't know how much of his brain the tumor has taken. He only knows the small things- simple things.

The last thing Jeongguk wants is for Taehyung to pity him, baby him, get scared every time something small happens.

All Jeongguk could do was think on the car ride there. He had started throwing up closer to the 1 month mark- and extreme headaches.

The only words he expected to come from the doctor's mouth would be about his prognosis. He had no hope left.

"Honey, we're here." His mother finally spoke up- breaking the silence that Jeongguk didn't even know existed. The boy nodded in response, following his mom to the designated area to meet with his doctor. He sat in the waiting room while she signed him in. He was always nervous about signing himself in- his anxiety would act up.

His mother sat down beside him and the silence continued- it was comfortable silence, though. It took thirty minutes for Dr. Riggs to get Jeongguk and his mother. This time Jeongguk being able to hear everything around him.

He knew exactly where he was going. MRI. Nothing has changed since that day. He knows its only worse. He just has that feeling that nothing will go good today.

"Okay, Jeongguk. Same procedure. Lay down on the platform and stay really still." Jeongguk only hums in acknowledgement. He isn't looking forward to any of this appointment. His mom is in the control room as normal watching as the picture of his brain and tumor develop.

It takes an entire hour to get every picture Dr. Riggs needs to be completely sure that his information is correct. They get led to his office and wait for Dr. Riggs to return. Ms. Jeon has a blank face. Normally she is an open book- but she isn't. Jeongguk didn't make it back this far last time. He had to go back to the waiting room- so it must be important if he is back here as well.

"Okay- Ms, Jeon- Jeongguk. I have some good and bad news. Bad news first- of course." Dr. Riggs sits in his chair continuing to look at Jeongguk's documents.

"You know what- Ms. Jeon- do you want me to tell you everything we found?" Dr. Riggs looks up- concerned.

"I would hope so," Ms. Jeon says.

Jeongguk just sat there listening to the exchange of words before Dr. Riggs continues with what they found.

"Okay. First off, to make sure I'm correct. Jeongguk- you started showing signs of morning sickness and nausea, correct."

"Hmm" Jeongguk doesn't like where this is going. He just knows.

"We talked a while about this, but that's to be expected when you have a tumor. I'm just surprised you are just now showing signs, though." Dr. Riggs looks back at his papers. "Okay- I know everything else is correct, I confirmed it with your mom. I have one serious question, though, Jeongguk. Answer me honestly. Did you do anything to your brain. Like for example fall into a wall- or hit your head on your headboard? Anything like that?"

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