Chapter 18

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Im gonna start publishing updates immediately when I finish them! Soo enjoy more frequent updates.. I hope

-warning, sensitive content-

Five days have passed. Taehyung was with Jeongguk all five of those days. The boy looked unhealthy. He was constantly throwing up his earlier eaten food and blood. Needless to say he wasn't getting any nutrients to his body.

Ms. Jeon was more than worried. She felt as if this is where the prognosis came to play and she would loose her son before the estimated time span. So she call Dr. Riggs. He said that it was normal and as long as he is still eating he should be fine and to not worry, but Ms. Jeon was doing the opposite- she was worrying. It's her son after all.

She let Taehyung stay by Jeongguk's side knowing he wouldn't leave him anyways. It gave her time to figure out what the hell they were going to do about it.

Jeongguk has been by the toilet all day. He refused to eat knowing he would just throw it back up. He wasn't sick- he knew he wasn't. He was aware of this happening to him. But it's worse than he expected.

He knew what he looked like. Just in the span of five days he has lost eight pounds. And he didn't have eight pounds to loose. Taehyung, of course, skipped school.

Jeongguk had stopped throwing up for the first time that morning, and told Taehyung to let Jimin know he is sick- and that's it. He didn't want to worry his best friend any more than he already had.

The cuts were starting to go away with Jeongguk constantly cleaning them, if he didn't care about his mom seeing them he would've left them be- but again, she couldn't know. His bruises were another story. They were scattered all over his body; big to small, yellow to black. He refused to take his shirt off around Taehyung, so he slept with a shirt on.

"Babe, please eat something. It's four in the afternoon and you haven't eaten all day. Hell! You haven't eaten in three days! Look at what you are doing to yourself." Taehyung said to the younger. Jeongguk just lowered his head. He knew what he was doing.

"T-Taehyung. I c-can't! If I-I e-eat, I thr-throw up. I-If I d-don't, I thr-throw u-up. I'm fu-fucking tr-trying!" Jeongguk yelled at Taehyung. The blonde engulfed him into a hug and Jeongguk started crying, choking on his sobs.

"Shh. It's okay, Kooks. Just try to eat when you can. Please don't cry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. I'm sorry. Just- I hate seeing you loose so much weight. Baby, please look at me." Taehyung lifted Jeongguks head with his hands, wiping away the boys tears with the pad of his thumbs. "I love you, okay?"

"Mhm.. I-I love y-you too."

Taehyung picked Jeongguk up from the couch and carried him to the bedroom. He set him on the bed and then got back up. "I'm gonna grab some crackers for you okay? It's light so it shouldn't really hurt you. And some water." Jeongguk nodded and Taehyung left the room. When the door shut Jeongguk was left alone. He laid on his back and lifted his arms in the air, they looked like they would break with a single touch.

He got up and went to the mirror thats on his closet door. When he got to the mirror he starred at himself, almost crying at how he didn't look like this a week ago. He lifted his shirt to reveal all the bruises and the visible bones. His ribs were clear as day, along with his hip bones. He wanted to cry, so bad. His abs were gone and the body he worked for- gone. All because of this stupid tumor. He dropped his shirt and grabbed his hair falling to the ground.

He started crying. He could feel his lungs collapsing before him. He tried screaming out but all that came out was air. He didn't know what was happening- he guessed it was a panic attack. He hadn't had one of those before. He kept pulling on his hair in frustration, letting out choked sobs as he pulled his knees to his chest.

He didn't noticed the door open and the things in Taehyung's arms drop to the floor and him run to Jeongguk's side. He only realized it when he felt a warm embrace around him.

"Baby? Hey, listen to me." Taehyung said pushing their foreheads together. "Jeongguk, I'm right here. You're okay. Calm down." His voice was getting softer by the second, worry clear in his tone. He kept rubbing the younger's back with one hand and rubbing his fingers threw the ravenette hair with the other. Jeongguk's breathing finally slowing down after ten minutes.

"Kook, what happened?" Taehyung asked when Jeongguk was able to control his breathing again and stop crying. "I-I d-don't know."

Taehyung sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get the truth out of him. But it was easy to put two and two together.

Jeongguk was in front of a body length mirror.

It was easy to say he freaked out when he had actually seen himself. He refused to look in a mirror. That was information both the boys knew. Taehyung walked Jeongguk back over to the bed and laid him down setting the crackers and water he dropped earlier, on the bedside table.

"Eat a couple of crackers and you can go to sleep." Taehyung said handing the boy two crackers, and opening the bottle of water.

Jeongguk took the crackers and ate them slowly, in the span of eight minutes he finally ate both crackers and had a few sips of water. Taehyung crawled in bed beside the younger and laid down. He traced imaginary circles on the younger's stomach much to Jeongguk's dismay.

It didn't take long for Jeongguk to slip into slumber leaving Taehyung awake. Taehyung wasn't able to sleep. He kept thinking about Jeongguk- what is actually going on in his life that he didn't know. He looked at his sleeping boyfriend and said:

"What are you keeping from me, Kook?"

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