Chapter 26

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Next chapter will be a Q&A + face reveal so leave questions about my life, this story, future story ideas, who I am; anything you want to ask here. ——->

He never thought he would end up like this. Never in a coma. Never stuck out of his body. He was so confused, and he had no idea what to do about it.

Jeongguk noticed he didn't stutter anymore and he felt light in his movements all the time. Like he wasn't there. Which he wasn't, he knew that. He felt more as if he was dead.

His head hurt sometimes when he was being talked too, like he saw some people he didn't recognize so it confused his as to why people would show up if he didn't know them.

He was walking around on the hall his room was in and saw two people with flowers and a card attached to them in their hands walk into his room. He was curios so he walked in as well.

They started talking once he walked in and Jeongguk went to move behind Taehyung. He noticed taehyung was holding his real life form's hand and didn't show signs of letting go. Jeongguk looked at his hand feeling the warmth he was getting. "Taehyung.." He frowned, he didn't like the way his boyfriend was taking this.

"Taehyung, hey. How is Jeongguk doing?"

"He's fine. Still the same though. He hasn't shown any signs of waking up, though. They said he should within the next few days, but they have no idea why he is still in a coma." Taehyung said looking up at the two guys.

The two looked between each other and the one with blonde hair stepped forward, "We brought flowers."

"Thanks, Jimin. I'm sure he will love them." Taehyung smiled looking back down at Jeongguk.

Jeongguk looked up at the boy who was named Jimin. He felt as though that name was familiar, like he should know who he was but he just didn't know. Jeongguk looked from Jimin to the other boy with him once he started talking.

"How is he actually doing? What have the doctors said? He seems worse off than he actually is." The boy questioned.

"I-I don't really know," Taehyung sighed, giving up. "They haven't really told us anything. Just that the surgery went well and they have no idea why he is in a coma. They say he might have brain damage but the brain they gave him was perfectly healthy."

Taehyung looks up at the boy. "They said if he doesn't show signs of waking up within the next 3 months, they are pulling the plugs, Yoongi." Taehyung had tears running down his face as he looked at the two boys. All Jeongguk could do was pounder about the fact that he had no idea who those two boys were.

Until he heard that they would pull the plugs if he didn't wake up. He started freaking out. He didn't want to die; he wanted to live. He wanted to have a life with Taehyung.

He was thinking about all the ways he could wake himself up. All of the ways he could stay alive. Doing all of this was making his heart rate go sky high. He got cut off mid thought when he heard yelling in the background.


"Someone get his doctor! Stat!" There were nurses surrounding him and he just started freaking out even more. He didn't know what caused this, he didn't even know what was going on; why nurses were all around him. He soon felt the warmth from his hand disappear and he noticed Taehyung had let go of his hand.

"Sir! I need you to leave the room. We will let you back in once everything is calm. Please go to the waiting area." The nurse said to Taehyung.

The two boys from earlier, Yoongi and Jimin, had to pull him away from Jeongguk's room and tried calming him down, but it was hard considering he was drowning in his own tears.

All Jeongguk could do was watch in fear as Taehyung left his side and as nurses and doctors surrounded him. He saw one of the nurses lean down to his body and whisper, "This is all you, baby. We can't do anything after this. You need to fight."

They kept checking his monitors and putting different things in his I.V. to make his heart rate go down, and after that nurse said something to him. It slowly dropped back to normal. As he realized—

How was he supposed to save himself.

This book is ending soon... :(
It'll be over within the next month or so..
I'm going to miss it.
Any suggestions on a new story?
Don't forget about questions for the q&a
They can be anything! You can leave them here as well. —>
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I purple y'all!

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