Chapter 9

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Early update :)

Jeongguk had found himself laying in bed thinking about the conversation he had with the older boy just a few hours prior.

After dinner, Taehyung and Jeongguk went to his room to play video games. They had found out they both had a liking for overwatch and played for what seemed like hours. Which was only three hours before the blonde received a text saying he needed to come home.

Taehyung lived only a few minutes away so he walked instead of taking up Ms. Jeon's offer for the younger to bring him home. Jeongguk didn't particularly like the offer since he doesn't like to drive.

Right before Taehyung walked out the door he asked for Jeongguk's number to which the latter put his number in the boys phone. Jeongguk smiled and then shut the door after they said a few words in exchange.

"Jeongguk?" His mom called to him. "Have you ever questioned your sexuality?"

"Wh-what? What do y-you mean?" Jeongguk asked flustered.

"Ohhhh nothinnnggg." Ms. Jeon said in a sing song voice with a smile plastered on her face. "Go get ready for bed, son. You have school tomorrow."

Jeongguk shyly nodded to his mom and washed up, which is how he got into this situation now. Thinking of the boy that has a box smile that is contagious and a deep voice that is everything but annoying.

The ravenette turned over a grunted into his pillow. What the hell am I thinking. I'm not gay. Even if he knew Taehyung was gay, there was no way the older would fall for him. Jeongguk thought little of himself. Taehyung only sees me as a friend, for sure. He couldn't like me. Jeongguk had fallen asleep with the said blonde haired boy on his mind.

Taehyung had woken up early that morning and realized he didn't text the younger last night like he wanted too. He had spent most of the night thinking of Jeongguk when he could have been talking to him. So that's what he did.

This is Taehyung,
Goodmorning kookie

Good morning to you too :)
Should I call you Tae then?

I like it, sure

Okay :)
See you at school Tae

Taehyung smiled to himself after their short conversation ended. He was more than happy to see the younger at school. He finished his breakfast, grabbed his bag and drove to school. He normally walked but he wasn't in the mood today. He arrived with a little under 8 minutes before the first class started. This class happening to be one he shares with Jeongguk.

He found the boy sitting close to the back and a seat open next to him. He sat and gave Jeongguk his award winning box smile and the latter retuned it with a soft smile.

"Hey Ta-Tae."

"We should hang out more often. That was fun." Taehyung stifles a laugh, "I didn't know you were so competitive in games."

"Th-the more yo-you know." Jeongguk stuck his tongue out. Taehyung couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the younger. He was certainly interested in the boy, for sure. Jeongguk was quite handsome, to say the least. The latter could say the same about Taehyung, but he wasn't sure about his sexuality.

Classes went by normally for the older, talking to Jeongguk in the classes they shared and then walking to the next. But Jeongguk couldn't say the same. Every time the classes would change someone would bump into him and knock his stuff out of his hands. The ravenette was pretty annoyed by the time the third class had came along.

When lunch came around, Jeongguk hadnt showed up yet, and the 2 of the boys were worried.

"Was Jeongguk at school today? I don't have classes with him at all today so we don't even pass in the hallways, sadly." Jimin spoke up looking at Taehyung. Taehyung had told them that he and Jeongguk had hung and became friends pretty quickly.

"Yeah, he did. Which is why I'm worried. I literally just saw him an hour and a half ago." Taehyung looks down at his tray taking a bite of his food.

"Guys, calm down. He is probably just staying after class or something. Or he just wasn't hungry. No need to worry." Jin spoke up while the others were carrying on their own conversations amongst each other.

"Yeah," they agreed. "You're right."

But Jeongguk wasn't staying after class; he was crying in the boys bathroom.

What happened ?
I purple y'all

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