Chapter 4

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It's Monday morning which means my mom is meeting with the school. So while I wait in class and panic what the meeting is about, I try and focus on my teacher's lecture. Well, up until someone pokes my shoulder. So I turn my shoulder towards that person to be met with a guy with a cute smile and blonde hair.

"Hey, Jeongguk right?" I nod. "I'm Jimin."

"H-Hey Ji-Jimin." I smile to him.

"Can I borrow a pen? Mine ran out of ink." He gave the most innocent smile ever. So I lended him one of my pens.

"Hey Jeongguk, do you want to eat lunch with my friends and I?" I think I had the most shocked expression on my face because he started laughing making my pinks turn a light pink. "Why do you seem shocked? Don't you have friends?"

Whoa. That hit hard.

"N-no. I-i d-don't." I look back towards him. "B-but I w-will sit wi-with y-y'all!" I gave such a big smile because this was really new to me.

It was a class right before lunch and I was getting more and more nervous because I haven't been to the office and lunch is close to starting. But I guess my thoughts were heard because-

"Jeongguk. You are being called to the office with your belongings."

"Ye-yes sir." I nod and pack my things into my bag and head to the office where my mom is waiting for me.

"Honey, please don't let whatever is said in this meeting affect you." She gives me a soft, worried smile and I just nod in response.

We are brought back to the specified 'meeting room' and we sit down.

"So, you are aware of what this meeting is about, am I correct Ms. Jeon?"

"Well aware, Mr. Inglam." She told me she didn't know! I just look down.

"We want to write off Jeongukk." I shoot up from my seat.


"Honey, sit down." I just stare at my mom.

"M-mom.. Wh-why didnt y-you tell m-me?"

"Jeongguk. Not now." All she did was urn to me with her serious expression.

"Mr. Inglam, I can assure you that Jeongguk is allegeable to stay in school. We just saw his doctor Friday, and he said nothing about taking my boy out of school."

"Now, whatever the doctor says is not our business, Ms. Jeon. So this is our opinion. Whether-"

"No. I will not allow you to kick my son out of this school just because he has a damn condition." I stared at my mom. I haven't seen this from her before. "You will learn to respect what he has, or I will sue this school for student neglect. Don't doubt me Mr. Inglam. Come on Jeongguk." She dragged me out of the office and out of the school to her car.

"Phew. Why do they have to be like that? I'm sorry honey." She leans her head on the steering wheel trying to slow down her breathing.

"I-it's o-okay, M-mom." I gave her a reassuring smile to show her I was okay. And she returned it.

After we got home I remembered I was supposed to eat lunch with Jimin.


Cliffhanger? I think so.
Y'all's votes and comments mean so much to me. They make me think I am writing something worth reading.

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