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Of the three Schuyler Sisters, Angelica was the most popular. She was the oldest, and the wittiest, and the coolest. She always had guys on her doorstep, although she never gave them the satisfaction of a second date. Peggy was the baby of the family, and, naturally, followed in Angelica's fun witty footsteps.

Eliza didn't. Eliza was a different type. She was still attractive, but in a sweet, nerdy way. She was the smartest of the three, always reading, always studying.

Angelica knew this. Which was why when Alexander walked into both their lives, it was clear who needed him more. Angelica could have any guy she wanted. Eliza refused to have any guy at all, except for Alexander, it would seem.

So Angelica stood by. She watched their affection for each other grow, her own affection for Alexander growing along with it. She watched them share kisses, head out for dates. Whenever the group was out together, Alexander's arm would be around Eliza's shoulders, and she would be leaning into him. Lafayette, Hercules and Peggy were set on teasing them for the entirety of the year. It seemed hilarious in their eyes, that two of the gang had suddenly gotten together.

Angelica had simply watched. Chugged at her whisky, calling the waiter every five minutes to ask for a refill.


It was Peggy's idea to throw a party, celebrating Eliza's birthday coming up next week.

"No, no, honestly," Eliza said, shaking her head rapidly. "I don't want a party."

"Come on!" Peggy exclaimed. "It'll be fun! We'll have booze, a disco ball, a DJ ... what else ..."

"Streamers," Hercules said.

"Streamers!" Peggy shouted. "And balloons! AND A CAKE!"

"Calm down, mon ami," Lafayette said. "Madame Eliza does not want a party, so au revior."

"Zip it, baguette," Peggy snapped her jaw, teeth grit together, and Lafayette jumped back. "If I could convince Aaron to try out for Juliet in our production Romeo & Juliet last year, I'm practically God!"

"Peggy, enough with the shouting," Angelica said, munching on her Angus Cheese burger. "We're trying to eat here."

Peggy scowled.

"Besides, if Eliza doesn't want a party you can't force one onto her."

"Thanks, Angie," Eliza said, sounding truly grateful.

"Are you sure you don't want a party, though?" Alexander asked, his arm secure around her shoulders. "I think it would be nice to let loose, every once in a while."

"You think?" Eliza asked.

"Yeah, definitely."

"Alexander!" Angelica snapped, mockingly. "Quit being such a bad influence on my little Sister."

Alexander scoffed, "Me! Look who's talking, you party-freak."

"Hey, I'm the one who said she didn't have to have the party. You're the one trying to convince her to have it."

"Guys, guys," Eliza's voice cut the air and they both fell silent. "This is on nobody. I've made up my mind about the party."

"And?" Peggy said.

"I think, if everyone's up for it," Eliza turned slowly, but not subtly, and her gaze locked on Alexander's face next to her. "Then, why not?"

Peggy whooped loudly and clapped her hands, "Hell, yeah! That's what I'm talking abut! Told you I was a miracle-worker."

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now