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Angelica stepped through the front door of the Schuyler Manor and shut it quietly behind her. She tuned around, starting to unravel her scarf but stopped suddenly.

Her blood ran ice cold.

Alexander was crouched on top of Eliza on the couch, arms secure at her sides as he ran his tongue down the side of her neck. His shirt was carelessly unbuttoned and Eliza's hands were roaming up his chest to his hair.

Their lips were locked tightly, and their eyes had been closed.

But they both swerved to look at Angelica at the sound of the door opening.

"Oh my god ... Angelica, I ..." Eliza whispered, cheeks aflame. Angelica saw the apology and awkwardness in her Sister's eyes as she watched her.

Angelica couldn't speak.

She couldn't breathe.

Her gaze was locked on Alexander, who climbed off Eliza faster than a gazelle out of a truck's path. He stood up and fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, smoothing a hand down his hair and adjusting his clothes.

He didn't meet Angelica's eyes.

"I told you we should have taken it to my room," Eliza hissed, her cheeks flushed a wild, tomato red. She slapped her boyfriend on the arm and stood up, and Angelica realised her Sister's clothes were not properly worn either.

Angelica felt sick.

She felt hurt.

She felt the sting to her pride like the bee was as large as the Earth.

But worst of all - she felt that she had lost Alexander. Doing it so bluntly in the living room was an honest, cruel dig at Angelica. He was trying to make a point, trying to tell her I don't need you, like you don't need me. Love? Who said I loved you that much?

"I have homework," was what came out of Angelica's mouth, and then she had run across the room and up the stairs so fast you could hardly have seen her.

She rushed into her room and slammed the door shut.

And only then, did she allow the tears to come out of hiding.


An hour later, Eliza showed up.

She opened Angelica's door and shut it gently behind her, turning to find her sister's figure sitting in front of her desk and staring at her math books.

Angelica's head swerved upwards at her sister's entry. She cursed foully in her mind.

Why didn't I lock the damn door?

"Hey," Eliza said softly, moving slowly over. "Are you okay? Don't worry, I sent Alex home. So we have all the time to ourselves."

There was an uncertainty in her eyes as she moved to sit on her Sister's bed.

"It's just that — you kind of ran off there, and ... I didn't get a chance to say sorry."

Do I have tears? Am I crying? Angelica tried as subtly as she could to wipe away any excess tears from her face before Eliza could see. The last thing she needed was Eliza knowing ... well, everything, basically.

"Sorry?" Angelica scoffed, turning to face her Sister with a strained smile. "Whatever for? He's — he's your boyfriend. You're allowed to go crazy with ... your boyfriend."

She sounded like such an idiot.

A wave of something seemed to wash over Eliza's face. Like she was just realising something. She leaned back slightly, an unrecognisable expression on her face.

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now