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Angelica had no other thought for the rest of the week, no other thought that wasn't related to that night, that kiss. The guilt was churning inside her like butter, every time she faced Eliza. And every time she faced Alexander, she felt even worse. Like he would suddenly remember that night. That she kissed him. And then realise that she never told him, and possibly get angry.

Two weeks passed, and eventually the thought subsided from Angelica. From then on, she would only think about the kiss in longing, aching for once to be Eliza. Aching to have him to herself, to have him say he loved her.

That aching soon stopped, in the blink of an eye, really. But Angelica never imagined it to be stopped this way.


Angelica slammed her locker shut struggling to carry her laptop while she was taking out her books and stationary. The noise of the High School hallway bled in around her, until it eventually distracted her and she felt the laptop slide from the crook of her elbow. She sucked in a breath—

Only for Alexander to appear out of nowhere and swoop in last second to save it.

Angelica swerved around in surprise, and then in thanks.

"Hey," she smiled. "Thanks for that. I owe you one." She took the laptop from his hands, and only then saw the look on his face. Her own face fell.

"You okay?" She asked. "You look..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," Alexander brushed it away, surprising Angelica. He was usually so smooth. "Can we talk somewhere private?"

Angelica paused, "Okay..."

And then he had grabbed her by the arm and led her down the hallways. Again, she was surprised by this. He looked shaken, and distracted, even. What could have happened?

And then she realised.

She didn't have time to think anything of it before she was dragged into an empty classroom and the door was shut. She whirled around to look at the closed door, and then at Alexander. Her pulse sped up like the thrumming of a horse's hooves.

Oh my god.

"Angelica," Alexander started. He was watching her, although now he was really inspecting her. Like he would catch any small movement, any twitching finger, and would be ready to accuse her of it.

Angelica stilled herself to as little movement as possible, although she felt she would pass out inside. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm...

"Did you do the Biology homework?"

There was a pause.

"What? Homework?" Angelica snapped. She was stunned momentarily by his question, having expected something from an entirely different topic of conversation. "No, of course not."

"She gave us two weeks. You should have done it in your room, the night of Eliza's party," and he smiled a mocking amused smile that had Angelica entirely puzzled.

"Is... that what you wanted to talk to me about?" She said, frowning.

"Partially. There's more."

Alexander took a large step forward, and suddenly he was close. So close their noses were grazing, just like that night of the party.

So close to kissing.

Angelica's breath caught in her throat and nearly choked her. She wanted to move away, take a step back, but she knew that if she reacted at all he would understand her. It would tell him something that he would never share with her.

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now