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Because of this book I am STARTING TO SHIP THOMGELICA 😱

Guys, what do I do? Seriously! I am in the middle of a crisis, and I don't know how to say no to this ... 😩🕯


Angelica put a lot of thought into this through the next hour. There was a couch on the side of the dance floor, for those who wanted to a break from dancing. Although it had been a while since they were dancing, Angelica and Thomas took two seats on the couch anyways, watching the crowd wander passed them.

"You sure you don't want to dance?" Thomas asked again, for the third time in the last ten minutes.

Angelica gave him a look, "Thomas. I don't want to dance, but for the ten thousandth time that shouldn't stop you from dancing!"

"Yeah, but," his hand reached forward and entwined into hers, sitting on her lap. Angelica stared up at him through curious eyes, as he said, "I don't want to leave you alone."

"I'm fine sitting by myself," she told him, leaning into his body warmth. "Please. Go dance. Right now."

"Not unless you come with me."

"I can't dance anymore, I told you."

There was a gentle moment of silence, and then Thomas grumbled.

"Fine," he breathed out, and collapsed back next to Angelica, one arm slung over her shoulders. "Then I guess I'm just going to have to sit here, and annoy you all night."

Angelica groaned, "Oh, no."


She laughed, "You idiot. I hate you."

They sat there for another five minutes, leaning comfortably into one another, Thomas shading Angelica from the colourful basking lights and people who nearly tripped on the couch and fell on them.

"Hey, watch it," Thomas barked this one time, as someone nearly fell right on top of Angelica.

"Oh, shoot. Sorry," It was John.

"John!" Angelica exclaimed, face alight. "Hey there."

"Hey," John replied, slightly sheepish. "Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going." His gaze darted to Thomas through the dark, wary and not very kindly, but to Angelica's relief Thomas made no other remark about it.

"It's fine," she said. "Where are the others? I haven't seen anyone in a while."

"Last I saw, Aaron was nearly puking from all the dancing, and Lafayette and Hercules were downing shots."

Angelica quirked an eyebrow, "Shots of punch?"

"Trying to get wasted as much as they can at a school dance," John said, grinning. "Although, I don't think it's working. The most they're getting is too full for dessert."

Angelica laughed at this. Lafayette and Hercules were the oldest of the whole group, as they both just turned 18. To throw away a shot for the two of them, was like throwing away a life-changing experience.

"And Peggy?" Angelica asked, realising she hadn't seen her baby sister since she and Thomas had first left the dance floor.

"Probably nagging at the two of them, reminding them of what idiots they are," John said.

"Ah," Angelica said. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"She's getting quite close to Lafayette," John said, suddenly thoughtful. There was an unreadable expression on his face, but from the looks of it he seemed almost sad. "You don't think ... I mean, Lafayette goes back to France next year."

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now