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Angelica felt the air in the room behind her still to silence. She stole a quick glance over her shoulder and saw all seven pairs of eyes large, and staring at Thomas.

"How," And Peggy came stomping to her feet. "did he get here?"

"I took a Grab," Thomas replied calmly.

"I didn't invite him," John said. "Did you invite him?"

"What? No—but how does he know where we live?" Peggy demanded more.

"I think the bigger question here is what is he doing here," this came from Alexander. Angelica turned to him and saw that his eyes were glowing black now. The teasing glint had vanished, like it was never there, and he stood firmly with his arms folded. "What are you doing here, Jefferson?"

His voice dragged out, Long and sharp and menacing. Everyone in the room turned back to Thomas, eyes waiting and expecting, but nobody sure for what.

Thomas looked back at Alexander through controlled eyes. A mere muscle in his jaw twitched, before he said, "I don't have to explain myself to you."

"You can at least explain yourself to Angelica."

"And I will," Thomas said. "Without you here butting in, thanks."

"Watch it." The warning was from Aaron, which only spouted more threatening looks from the others. "You mess with the tomcat, you mess with us."

"Guys!" Angelica's voice sliced the air. "There will be no messing."

Silence answered this.

Straightening the bouncing skirts of her pale pink swing dress, Angelica looked back to Thomas and another drop of silence passed between them.


"Can I talk to you?" Thomas's voice was as soft as hers, humbled even. He had dressed into a suit of dark, plum purple, which accompanied the volume of his hair dashingly. "Alone, please."


Alexander's voice came pushing in through her left ear. He sounded worried. Afraid. Possessive. Angry.

Angelica's hand on the door handle closed into a fist. As much as she felt for Alexander, he had to know that the decisions she made were hers and hers alone. What she did with her life was up to her.

And right now, she was going to talk to Thomas.

"Yeah," she replied. "Of course."

And she stepped out into the cold night air, locking the door behind her.


"Right," Angelica leaned back against the cool wood of the door, trying to feel more comfortable, and... well... less awkward. "So. What did you want to talk about?"

"Listen," Thomas said. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now. But I figured I just had to try." He toyed with something in his hands, a movement that almost immediately caught Angelica's attention. Her eyes widened as she saw what it was—a rose.

Something warm touched her heart.

"Oh," she looked down at the rose, and then back at him. The surface of her eyes softened. "That's for me?"

Thomas blinked at her for a moment, and then down at the rose, as if just realising it was there. He outstretched it to her.

"Only for you."

"Thomas," she felt a smile uplift her face at the warming gesture. She took the rose from him and weighed it in her hands. "It's... beautiful."

"Like you."

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now