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Angelica didn't want to recount on all the events of the past couple of weeks.  She didn't want to remember anything.  Kissing Alexander.  Lying to Eliza.  Finding Thomas. 

Losing Alexander. 

Losing Thomas.

She didn't want to be reminded.  God, she just wanted to lie in bed and wish to the heavens that it had never happened in the first place.

Maybe she was better off single.  Was that an option?

Or lesbian - hell! She would even take switching gender identities, if it meant avoiding the stubbornness and complications of the male species.

The sound of her phone ringing on her bedside table was the thing in the end that got her out of bed.

Because it was loud and repetitive and annoying.

And it was an unknown number.

She clicked accept, getting ready to shoo away the adds with a frank, "I don't want to buy your cheap excuse of shampoo.  It smells disgusting, like rotten lime.  You should fix that if you want any customers at all."

She only began to say this before she was outspoken by a familiar voice.

"Angelica," the voice cleared his throat. "I need to talk to you as soon as you get to school.  Are you there yet?"

The Schuyler Mansion was located quite close to the school, so Angelica didn't have to wake up as early as a majority of the school.  Besides, why would she answer to Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson!

And Angelica didn't even wait.

She hung up on him within the instant she recognised his voice.

She waited another two, three minutes to see if he would call again.  It turned into five minutes.

And Angelica found that maybe - he had given up on her.

The action of her bedroom door being thrown open made Angelica's head snap upwards.  Eliza and Peggy were standing before her, already dressed and ready to go.

"Hurry up, dammit!" Peggy cried, waving her arms theatrically. "We're gonna be late!"


The Schuyler sisters did show up at school fairly late, in which Angelica felt it was mandatory for her to take all the blame.

She saw Alexander a few times in the hallway that day, and each time when he saw her he tried to reach her so he could grab her arm, and "talk".

There was nothing to talk about.

Thomas also appeared, just as frequently.  As if he had any excuse for what a jerk he had been to her all month Long.

She found herself avoiding both of them.

And doing quite well, as a matter of fact.  She was actually considering signing up for the CIA when she was older, or something.

"Wait - Angie's not coming?" Peggy asked, as the group got ready to take off for the pizza place downtown.  She turned and stared at her sister with with accusing eyes. "But John's Papa's Pizza just reopened.  We have to go!"

"Yeah! Come on, Angie!" Hercules cried, imitating Peggy cutely.  John laughed and Peggy slapped them both, before turning back to her Sister.

"Come on," she pouted. "Angie, don't you love me?"

Angelica scoffed and waved a finger, "Um, no.  Don't you pull that card on me," she said, before ruffling her Sister's hair. "I just have homework to finish, alright?"

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now