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Thank you so much for reading Secrets of a Schuyler Sister! I loved writing it, as I have loved everything I write ... I just don't get around to finishing a lot of them ... 😬😬

Ah, well, never mind.
I hope you enjoyed this.  I know it played with your emotions and ships a little bit.  Sorry bout that - I confused myself too, I think, which is saying something.

Be sure to check out my other books!

Satisfied | A Hamgelica Fanfic, for those hamgelica shippers.

And I have written a couple of Harry Potter fanfics when I was 13, which ship scorose, jily and blinny.

I am also considering writing a SEQUEL to this book.
.................... considering.

I have it all planned out, but I know it will take a really Long time and I have no idea if I'll finish it. 😩😩

Look out for something called Off the Road [Hamilton AU]

If I decide to make it exist, it will be a road trip thing over the summer, the whole gang plus Burr, Theodosia and Maria Reynolds.
Ships include: Hamgelica, Thomliza, Jeggy, Burrdosia.

I really might not write this. Only if people are willing to read it.

Thanks again for all the reads and votes on this book! 😁😁❤️❤️❤️

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